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Varyl caught her eyes, and knew something was wrong.

"What is it, Leo?", he asked.

Lila smiled at him and said, "nothing, love" but concerned etched into her face as she asked,
"Are you okay here? Do you need anything?"

Varyl nodded, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm fine, Lila. Just enjoying the rare sight of Ryker's interest in something other than... well, himself."

Lila chuckled, shaking her head. "You're impossible, Varyl."

After breakfast, Lila walked with varyl through the castle's grand halls, pointing out intricate tapestries and ornate frescoes. Varyl listened intently, his eyes wide with wonder.

As they turned a corner, Lila gestured to a sweeping staircase. "And this leads to the east wing, where his ancestors once resided."

Varyl's gaze roamed the staircase, his voice filled with awe. "It's breathtaking, Lila. I can see why Ryker's so proud of this place."

Lila smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "Yes, the Cormac castle has a rich history"

Varyl's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes locked on Lila's. "You and Ryker... you're meant to be, Lila. You balance each other out."

Lila's cheeks flushed, but she shrugged it off, "It's not like that, varyl"

"Then what it is like?", he asked.

"It's complicated, little flower", she said in a dismissive tone.

As they continued their tour, Lila couldn't help but feel a little sad.
When will their secrets end?

After giving varyl the tour of the castle, Lila served varyl his dinner as she wasn't hungry.

Lila showered and dressed in her light pink night gown and came down to tuck varyl in.

As varyl closed his eyes, close to drifting off to sleep, he whispered, "happy birthday, Leo"

Lila smiled at him and kissed his forehead. She saw time on the clock and it was five min past 12.

Lila walked out of his room. Her heart skipped a beat as the lights flickered and died, plunging her into darkness. She froze, her senses on high alert, as she looked everywhere with wide eyes. Then she felt a presence behind herself. A low, husky whisper caressed her ear.

"Run towards the meadows, Leonessá. If I don't catch you before that, I won't fuck you tonight. But if I catch you before that... I'll fuck you."

A shiver coursed down Lila's spine as she recognized the growling voice. Ryker. Her heart racing, she didn't hesitate. With a burst of adrenaline, she took off, her bare feet pounding the cold stone floor.

The darkness seemed to amplify every sound – her ragged breathing, the rustle of her nightgown, and the soft thud of Ryker's footsteps behind her. Lila's senses came alive, her body thrumming with excitement and a hint of fear.

She darted through the darkened corridors, her hands outstretched in front of her. The meadows, her destination, beckoned like a siren's call. Lila's heart pounded in her chest, her mind fixated on the challenge ahead.

Suddenly, a hand brushed against her arm, sending shivers down her spine. Lila gasped, her feet faltering for a moment before she regained her pace. Ryker's low chuckle echoed through the darkness, spurring her on.

With a surge of determination, Lila picked up speed, her nightgown fluttering behind her like a ghostly trail. The meadows, and the promise of Ryker's passion, awaited.

shadows of deceit by author berryyWhere stories live. Discover now