chapter 8

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"You legit got invited to a party with Zach Bryan?!" Mandy squealed as she was picking out an outfit for me.
The party started in a couple hours. She wouldn't stop talking about this party all week.
"Yes I did," I said. "And guess who's gonna be my plus one?"
"Me? Oh please let it be me!" She begged.
"Nope," I said. "It's gonna be Morgan."
Her face dropped and she pouted.
"I'm just kiddin," I say. "You know it's you."
"Haha not funny," she says sarcastically. "But thank you. Now move over so I can pick an outfit."
We started picking out our outfits for the party. We finally settled on something. We both wore short dresses but in different colors.
We were finally ready and made our way to my car. Mandy says she'll drive over there.
Zach's house was very far and nearly in the middle of nowhere but kind of in a neighborhood. His house was a huge stone mansion and cars were littered everywhere on the street. Me and Mandy had to park a couple blocks away because that's how crowded it was.
When we finally get there, there was loud music, a fire pit, and people jumping in the pool.
We made our way to the door and opened it. It was crowded. Me and Mandy held hands as we made our way to the backyard where Zach was. He had a guitar in his hand, and he was stringing away. He had a beer in his hand and took a swig of it. People were around him laughing and talking to him. He stop stringing his guitar and looked up at me. He gave me a smile.
"Well ain this peachy?" He says. "You actually came!"
"Of course I wouldn't miss it for the world," I said.
"Well, make yourself at home, booze galore over there. Food as well. You and your friend help yourself," he says. "And how rude of me. Hi darlin' I'm Zach and you?"
" names Mandy," Mandy says sounding starstruck.
"Nice to meet you," he says as they both shook hands.
Me and Mandy decided to stick together and make our way over to the booze area. I grabbed a beer and Mandy grabbed the spiked punch.
"There's so many people here," she whispered to me.
There were so many people here. Some were country artists and most were just people who just show up to parties for the hell of it.
After walking around we finally made away to sit around Zach. He was playing on of his songs on the guitar.
"Hey I see yall made your way back," Zach says.
Some people scooted over to make Mandy and me some room.
"So tell me," he said. "Where are yall from?"
"North Carolina," I said. "Mainly from Charlotte. Then moved to Asheville then back to Charlotte."
"Same thing for you Miss Mandy?" Zach asks Mandy.
"Yep," Mandy nods her head. "Our mamas grew up together."
"I used to live in North Carolina," a girl with a thick southern accent says. "It was lovely."
After that, me and the group of people started talking until Morgan came through the door.
"Hey everyone," he greets us.
He glared over at Zach.
Everyone said hey back except Zach. Morgan rolled his eyes and walked off.
"Can't stand him," Zach said under his breath.
"Did you know those two had beef?" Mandy leans in and whispers to me.
"No," I whispered back.
"I swear that has a stuck up his ass every time he sees me," Zach says loudly. "I wouldn't be a good hostess if I ain invite him."
"Why don't you like Morgan?" I asked.
The group stared at me and I thought to myself I asked a bad question.
"It's alright she's new," Zach says. "Me and Morgan always bumped heads. He doesn't like me I don't like him."
That didn't answer my question to be honest.
"Morgan and Zach don't like each other over some shit that happened years ago. I think it was a girl, Morgan was wilding at his house and Zach was talking shit so the two started fighting," a girl chimed in.
"Yeah it was like real bad," another girl says. "And I think Morgan's a little mad because Zach's friends with Morgan's ex."
"We're still friends," Zach says. "But thanks for tellin my story."
"I heard she hears tonight," a girl says. "And KT pissed as hell."
"Shit about what?" Zach says.
The two started chatting about Morgan's ex which made me a little uncomfortable.
After a while everyone started chatting about other things until we heard someone arguing.
It grew louder and we all turned our heads to see the commotion.
It was Morgan, a guy and a woman who was shorter than him. She noticeable blonde hair and a black short dress pointing her finger into Morgan's chest while Morgan was arguing with the guy.
"Don't fuckin' touch me," Morgan yelled at her.
"Don't you speak to me like that," the guy said.
"Aw shit," Zach says setting his guitar aside.
He gets up and we all follow him.
"This bastards drunk," the guy laughs.
"Morgan you need to chill," the girl says. "You're probably here with someone else anyways I don't see why you're mad."
"Ain nobody mad, your fiancé shouldn't came up to me with that bullshit," Morgan laughs.
"What bullshit? I just said I'm probably a better than you'll ever be," the guy laughs.
Morgan takes a lunge at him.
"Zach are you gonna break it up?" I whispered to him.
"Nah let em fight, shit," Zach says nonchalantly.
"It's sad you have to find another woman that Indigo calls mommy," The guy laughed. "What's her name Alyssa?"
My heart dropped at that name. I felt like everyone was looking at me when that guy said my name.
"Ain nobody tryna replace KT, mind your fucking business," Morgan says in a serious tone.
The girl, KT turned around and looked at me.
"You date Morgan?" She asked me which sounded like she was disgusted.
"Kinda but we foolin' with each other. It's none of your damn business," Morgan says.
KT stepped closer to me and Mandy stepped in front of me.
"And bitch do somethin' or I'll rip all them tracks out your damn head," Mandy says defending.
"Alyssa save yourself he's gonna cheat on you anyways," KT scoffs.
KT seemed to back down when Mandy stepped in. This whole night was wild. Very wild.
"Alright Morgan get the hell out," Zach says. "And KT get out here too. Your boyfriend starts too much shit."
"Why does he have to get out?" KT says in disbelief.
"My house my damn rules," Zach says. "Or I'll have the cops called."

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