chapter 10

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The next day, Morgan invited me to go fishing with him. I don't know why he did but I guess he wanted to go talk to me.
We just sat in silence as I watched him fished. Morgan was focused on fishing I think he forgot was here. We sat a couple inches apart.
"So," he says. "Are you still mad at about last weekend?"
"No," I said. "I mean KT apologized-"
"Wait," he says turning towards me. "Where you seen her at?"
"At the grocery store," I said.
"Ok continue," he said and turns back to the lake.
"Well anyways," I continued. "We're cool now I guess."
"Good I don't want both of my mommas fightin'," Morgan laughs.
I looked at him a little weird and he laughs louder.
"It's a joke," he says and nudges me playfully. "Was only kiddin'."
After a few minutes later, I got interrupted by my phone buzzing. I looked down and it was my mother.
I rolled my eyes and shoved the phone in my pocket.
"Don't you think you should answer it?" Morgan asked me.
"It's my mother," I said. "She doesn't want anything."
After a couple minutes of my phone buzzing uncontrollably, I walked off somewhere and decided to answer it.
"Hello?" I answered the phone.
"Why haven't you called me?" My mother answers the phone. "Youc your brothers and my family never call me while yall are away."
I rolled my eyes and silently scoffed at her.
"Mom I've been busy-"
"Busy with your father?"
"No momma I just have a job. And I don't have time to talk to you everyday."
"Yes you do. Whenever I was working my job, I had time to talk to you and your brothers EVERYDAY."
I was starting to get pissed off about this whole conversation I'm having with my mother. Me and mother don't really get along that much. But most of the time, we do. I think her and my brother's butt heads more than me and her. See, my mother cheated on my dad a lot and she was mad we took dad's side because she didn't have to do that.
"So I was thinking," she says. "You and your boyfriend and Mandy could come down next weekend or whenever you're not busy to come visit me."
"I'll-" I said and looked at Morgan. "I don't have a boyfriend."
"Of course you do," she says. "That boy with the mullet. You grew up with him. His names Megan."
"Morgan," I corrected her. "His names Morgan momma."
"Well bring him down. And Mandy too. See you this weekend, bye!"

"Well you're not going alone are you?" My brother Malik says.
"She wants Morgan to come along," I said.
I was telling him what happened between me and mom today. Malik was just visiting for the week from his work in the military.
"Morgan?" He says. "That boy you were in love with since we were young?"
"We weren't in love," I said and rolled my eyes.
"I think it'd be nice to go visit your mother," Dad says. "You know get out of Tennessee for a little bit."
"You know if we did go visit her, we'd do random chores and sit in the house," Malik says.
"Yeah and every time we try to go visit our friends she scolds us and she swears she had a day planned out for us," I said.
"Yeah just for us to sit at home," he finishes the sentence.
"But it'd be nice if you took Morgan," Dad says switching the subject.
He never felt comfortable talking bad about Mom despite what she's done to him.
"Yeah it'd be cute," Mandy chips in. "You know since you two are kinda dating."
"We're not dating," I said.

"It's nice of you to take me," Morgan says. "I never met your mother before."
"She's not all that," Malik mumbles.
We were heading down to North Carolina for the weekend to go visit our mom. I forgot I couldn't really take Morgan because he's so famous. I knew people were probably going to be swarming us with cameras and a news article about us in the next hour.
We were at a hotel because we didn't want to stay with Mom. Morgan was nice enough to pay for our hotel this weekend.
He roomed with Malik while I roomed with Mandy.
After four hours, we were finally in Charlotte. Our plan was to visit Mom for an hour, hang out and visit our friends.

"Well this is it," Malik says with a sigh.
We finally pulled up to our mother's driveway. The house hasn't changed. The same concrete driveway, the grass a little over grown and the tree in the yard.
Mom was standing on the porch with a smile on her face.
We all got out the car and walked to the porch.
"Well hello yall!" She says giving everyone a hug.
She stops at Morgan and looks up.
"You must be Morgan," she says. "I see why Alyssa picked you."
"Hi ma'am," Morgan says with a smile. "Yes ma'am I am."
"Are you her boyfriend?" Mom asks him.
"Yes," he says pulling me in for a hug. "I love your daughter."
"How lovely," mom says.
After that, we went inside and sat around the table since Mom said she cooked for us.
Mom actually cooks good and she cooked all my favorites with a side of Bojangles sweet tea.
We all talked and Mom kept asking about me and Morgan. He thought it was funny to see me mad when my mom asked these stupid ass questions.
"Well we best get goin' momma," Malik says.
"Why leave so soon?" She said. "I fixed all this-"
"We promise we'll come back before we leave," Malik says.
"What about tomorrow?" Momma says. "I have a whole day out for us. I never get to see yall enough and yall spend too much time with your daddy."
Jesus here she goes. Here the FUCK she goes.
"Momma we promised our friends we'd visit them. We'll promise to visit on our last day," Malik reassures her.
Momma sighed and gave us all a hug before we left.
We didn't get to our hotel late which nobody was really in the lobby.
We decided to switch sleeping arrangements because Morgan wanted to talk to me about something. I didn't even bother to argue with him and just went with it.

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