Chapter Twenty Six

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   At this point I just want think that involving the police will be the best way out of this.
     No ooh you can't go to the police with this Dami. He rushed in. The police will only extort money from you and your brother, very hungry people, in the worst scenarios, the blackmailer gets a wiff of it and decides to leak the information. Emma advices her, siping from his glass of don Simon.
  What do you suppose I do, ehn, look at me, I'm already going through so much in my condition,with My brother going completely crazy and now this blackmailer, do you know the things at stake here, if the news of me carrying my brother's child gets out, I'll become a laughing stalk, my entire family will be mocked and disgraced, there's just too much to loose. Damina complained sitting next to Emma on the couch.
   Why not just give them the money they're demanding. Damina threw him an eye of uncertainty at his suggestion.  Yeah, I mean you're brother is a multimillionaire, twelve and even twenty million is not really a big deal to him.
    Are you serious Emma, twelve million naira. She pointed out under her breath. So because my brother is a multimillionaire, he should just throw an amount as big as twelve million naira away.
    You're not throwing it away, you're using it to secure your family's name and honour.
    And what if we pay him off this one time, what makes you think he won't come back demanding more, he's a blackmailer for crying out loud, he will keep demanding for more and more money as the years go by, so should my brother keep paying him off, just because he's a multimillionaire.
    At least pay him off and maybe you both can reach an agreement eventually.
    Are you on my side or on the blackmailers side, for crying out loud this guy is just trying to find a way to drain us, and if he can do it this once, then he can as well do it again.
    What the heck is this bastard doing in my house. Damien thundered, walking into the both of them sitted on the couch.
      Emma stood up slowly on seeing Damien, a light smirk of peace on his face. Damina jolted up in fear, she wondered why he'd be back from work so early, she had been informed by the maid that he told her of a meeting he would be attending later, so why would he be home so soon.
    I invited him here. Damina volunteered acting as a wall between her brother and Emma.
    Why Dami, why, after all this idiot has done to you, after beating you up and cheating on you, you invited him here, why... He hollared angrily, approaching Emma with gritted teeth's.
     Calm down, there's no need for all this, Dami just needed someone to talk to because she was feeling lonely.
     Shut your trap you miserable ingrate, who asked you to interfer...and you. Facing Dami who was shaking in fear.
     If you were really feeling lonely why didn't you call me, you know I would willingly leave everything I was doing for you and the baby.
    You were supposed to be at a meeting, and moreover, youve been very unreasonable nowadays, I needed to speak to someone who wasn't desperate and....
    And you called this fool, this fool is the one instigating you against me abi. Gently pushing Damina to the side, he threw a blow towards Emma.

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