Chapter Five

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   Damien rolled tirelessly on his bed that night, sleep seemed to have departed from him,he stared at his bed lamp for hours reminiscing over the careless encounter that had rendered him impotent.
     Having being orphaned at quite a young age, Damien knew he now had to shoulder the responsibilities for himself and his younger sister, nobody had expected such a sudden death befalling the lovely couple, so no plans had been put in place Incase of such an occurrence,bank accounts, business investments landed properties and so on disappeared into the wind with no legal documents as evidence to acquire them, their relatives assisted with only food, water and sometimes clothing, as for education and the rest, the children were denied of such. Damien began to do menial jobs day and night to provide for himself and his sister, soon enough, he was able to arrange enough money to sit for waec and later jamb, struggling tirelessly and endlessly he was finally able to make it to the university, but things only got tougher, he recapped in pain how he would go days without a proper meal, he barely had clothes, shoes or even  toiletries, his middle name in school became ,"borrow borrow", he was always borrowing from his room and coursemates. One day when things seemed to have gotten too tough on him, all routes seemed blocked, Damien went to  one of his friends for help, it was there he was introduced into the world of gigolos, Damien marvelled at the idea of middle aged women having relationships with boys young enough to be their sons or even grandsons, he hid his disgust and repulsion and ventured into it, with time things became easier for him, he was finally able to cater for himself properly in school and even sponsor his younger sister, life became more comfortable.One day while going to attend an afternoon lecture, he was shocked on seeing a crowd outside the lecture halls, on getting closer he realized that they seemed to be mourning and wailing.
   What happened. He enquired from one of the students dolefully wondering if it was anything had happened to those close to him.
    The lecturer just passed away.
You mean Mrs Amaka. He marvelled.
Yes, we heard she was diagnosed with an infection which was hidden in her cells for a long time, and by the time it was detected, if was already too late,her body could no longer fight the infection and she died. The words played over and over again in his head, who could have thought that the beautiful middle aged and jovial lecturer was walking around with an infection.
  Damien turned around feeling dejected, he couldn't scream or yell or shout, he would be expelled if word got to the school authorities about his affair, not knowing who to confide in he recoiled into a shell of depression and sadness, not wanting anyone to find out, he visited a quack doctor, who administered some drugs and for a while the symptoms of the infection were all cleared out only to reappear fifteen years later, by the time he went to the doctor, it was already too late, the infection had damaged some of his vital reproductive organs.

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