Chapter 9: Kidnaping

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The next day.

As agreed, Sigurd bought a small cake from the most famous cake shop in the town for Kiana. Then he led her to a forbidden place, a place forbidden for minors according to common knowledge.

An internet cafe

Kiana threw the empty cake box into the trash can at the entrance of the internet cafe.

She asked, "Internet cafe? Why are we coming to a place like this? Do you want to go online?"

Sigurd handed her a tissue.

"Yes. Also, wipe your mouth."

Kiana obediently wiped the cream off her mouth. She watched as Sigurd paid and rented two computers. Then, following the owner's instructions, the two of them entered the internet cafe.

"The internet is a virtual world that gathers various information from the real world, bringing together the knowledge that measures the entire real world and possessing the power to manipulate it."

As they walked, Sigurd explained to Kiana.

The current year was 2012, and excluding organizations like Anti-Entropy and World Serpent, the world's technological development level was roughly similar to his original world. The Internet's popularity was not low, but it was far from being as developed as Sigurd remembered.

Even so, there were already many things that could be done through the Internet.

Kiana's expression was one of confusion.

Her apparent age was 12, but in reality, she had only been in contact with this world for a little over three years. It was already good enough that she knew the concepts of computers and the Internet. How could she truly understand the power of the Internet?

"Do you know how to use a computer?"

"Well, I've seen it but never used it."

"What about reading?"

"Just a little, I understand a little."

Kiana smiled awkwardly and made a gesture with her hand indicating "a little."

Kiana had a showy personality, and she didn't understand modesty. So this gesture definitely didn't mean "the universe at my fingertips." Her "a little" was truly just "a little," maybe even less than what most people would consider "a little."

"It doesn't matter, take your time to figure it out."

As long as she patiently passed the time next to him, Sigurd didn't expect her to be of much help.

They sat down, turned on the computers, and on the surface of the desktop, there was a language that Sigurd had already grasped a rough understanding of.

Sigurd held the mouse and the first step was to learn the input method, then he started learning the operating system's logic.

About an hour passed.

After an hour, Sigurd reviewed and thoroughly understood the underlying logic of the operating system, mastering almost all the functions that the desktop system could achieve, including many functions that ordinary people might not encounter in their entire lives.

Sigurd leaned back and stretched his waist.

Understanding it was not difficult, but it required concentration and focus. He was a bit tired.

He glanced at the neighboring computer where Kiana had a chat window open.

'Not bad!'

Sigurd thought to himself.

The chat platform was already on the desktop, indicating that its popularity was quite good.

Kiana, at this moment, was biting her lower lip, her chubby little hands clumsily typing on the keyboard, very slow but very focused.

Sigurd didn't want to disturb her, so he got up and bought two drinks at the front desk.

One bottle of mineral water and one bottle of a carbonated drink.

Sigurd opened the bottle of mineral water and drank it himself, then he placed the carbonated drink, Happy Water, next to Kiana.

"Ah! It's cola! Thank you Sig~!"

Kiana's eyes lit up, and without a second thought, she opened the bottle cap, tilted her head back, and gulped down more than half of it.

Then, she let out a sweet burp with a cola flavor, closed her eyes comfortably, looking like a satisfied and adorable little cat.

At this moment, Sigurd leaned over to look at her screen.

It was an instant messaging chat room discussing cake themes. He checked the latest messages and saw that Kiana had just asked about Siegfried's whereabouts.

'It's alright. Despite her love for food, she hasn't forgotten about the matter regarding finding her father.'

Sigurd felt somewhat relieved.

Although this method might not yield good results, at least it showed that Kiana was taking things seriously.

In a show of encouragement, Sigurd gently patted Kiana's little head and then continued with his own work.

After thoroughly understanding the logic of the operating system, the next step was to delve into the logic of the underlying code and the process of crawling and analyzing vast amounts of network data.

Sigurd remained busy with this step until noon.

Glancing at the time, it was almost lunchtime.

"Kiana, we should go for lunch-Hmm? What are you looking at?"

Sigurd fixed his gaze on the screen and saw various explicit advertisements all over the webpage. In the middle of the video interface, an inappropriate video of multiple naked women kneeling in front of a man, while holding a meaty stick, was playing.

Sigurd: "..."

Kiana, what on earth are you doing!?

Sigurd looked back at Kiana, who had headphones on, crouching in her chair with her hands covering her eyes. However, there were large gaps between her fingers, allowing her to sneakily enjoy something that was not appropriate for her age.

Sigurd removed her headphones and closed the page, feeling fortunate that the computer in the internet cafe had no external speakers, and the sound could only be heard through headphones. Otherwise, it would have been extremely embarrassing.

Kiana snapped back to reality, lowered her hands, and looked up, meeting Sigurd's stern expression.

"I-I-I was just chatting, and someone sent a string of blue things, I just clicked it, and then- it's not my fault!"

Kiana explained in a pitiful and weak voice, her little face showing a suspicious blush.

Sigurd narrowed his eyes and said, "Go sit over there and wait for me."

Sigurd took Kiana's seat and took a deep breath. With his hands moving swiftly across the keyboard, he hacked into the chatroom server, followed the network trail, and found the computer of the otaku who had sent the inappropriate content. He launched a full-scale attack.


Thirty minutes later, Sigurd and Kiana sat in a nearby restaurant, waiting for the waiter to serve their food.

Kiana held the cutlery in her hands, her gaze wandering anxiously, avoiding looking at Sigurd's serious expression.

"It's true that you didn't actively seek it out, but why didn't you close it or tell me about it right away? Is that something you should be watching?"

"I- I was just... curious..."

Kiana replied meekly, trying to please Sigurd with her eyes.

Sigurd took a deep breath and gradually calmed his emotions.

"I'll find some proper educational materials for you in this regard. Don't be curious about everything!"

"But... what does it feel like? Does it really feel that good?"

Kiana blinked her curious big eyes.

At that moment, Sigurd felt his face turning green.

Any normal adult would turn green when faced with such questions from a little girl, especially when Sigurd knew that Kiana's actual age was only three or four years old!

"...I'll find some materials for you to study systematically. It's about time for you to learn some physiological knowledge considering your situation."

In Kiana's case, this stage roughly corresponds to a twelve-year-old girl, so it would be appropriate for her to learn about it.

Kiana finally seemed to settle down.

But Sigurd let out a deep sigh.

Let's call it a day.

Even though it had only been half a day, he felt mentally exhausted.

And, he never wanted to take Kiana to an internet cafe ever again!


Eating, shopping, buying a computer... finding educational materials.

That was the main agenda for Sigurd and Kiana in the afternoon.

The cheerful Kiana devoured three ice creams, two fruit juices, and several other desserts.

Sigurd didn't dwell on her appetite; his main concern was why she enjoyed eating ice cream so much in such cold weather.

Despite that, in the evening, as Sigurd was taking a bath, her stomach growled again, and Kiana, who was still hungry, planned to sneak out and find something to eat.

"Take the gun. Come back early."

Kiana thought she opened the door secretly, but Sigurd's instructions came from the bathroom.

Kiana shrunk her neck, stuck out her tongue, and replied, "Okay~"


After finishing his bath, Sigurd sat on the sofa and brewed a pot of black tea.

Sometimes in life, it's necessary to enjoy moments of tranquility like this.

But after about ten minutes, the door of the hotel room was forcefully kicked open.

Sigurd turned his head.

He saw Kiana rushing in, carrying a trembling young girl on her shoulder.

The young girl had beautiful golden hair, fair skin, and an adorable appearance. But those things were not important. What was important was that her hands and feet were tied with ropes, her hair and clothes were in disarray, and her mouth was taped shut. She was trembling and teary-eyed as Kiana carried her and placed her on the sofa.


The teacup in Sigurd's hand fell to the ground.

Just as Kiana was about to reach out to the trembling little girl, Sigurd stopped her with his hand. His expression was complex and weighed down as he said:

"Just from watching a short video, has your unique feeling awakened this early? Kiana, I won't oppose your sexual orientation, but- you have gone down the wrong path! Stop now, there's still time."

Sigurd persuaded her while picking up the landline phone from the table and murmuring to himself:

"What's the emergency number here? Shit, how many years of imprisonment for kidnapping a minor?"

"Wait! Sig! Calm down for a second and let me explain!"

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