Chapter 24: Sin Mal

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Although they were making a deal with a tiger, at least Vira obtained the hope to survive.

After that, Sigurd took Kiana and headed east, venturing deep into the vast and cold Siberian plains.

Over a month later, Kiana had fully recovered her health.

At least, there didn't seem to be any issues with her Herrscher abilities and physical data.


In the midst of winter, the Siberian forest was adorned with snow-covered branches.

Kiana wore a white Cossack hat, with her silver long hair braided into two long twists. She was dressed in a fluffy snow-white coat, leaving snow imprints with each step she took, happily walking back and forth in the snow.

Her body had finally fully recovered, and the constant pain that had been present disappeared completely in the past two days. It was evident that she was in a good mood, with a smile on her face as if she had emerged from the shadows of a month ago.

But Sigurd knew that every time Kiana walked on the street and saw little girls with golden hair, her gaze involuntarily focused on them, as if she could see Vira's figure among them.

He could understand this mindset - although, if it were the opposite gender, this behavior would be considered a bit strange.

"Stop playing around, rest time is over, let's continue on our way."

"Coming, coming!"

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew through the calm snowy forest, causing the branches above to bend down as if being pressed by some object falling from the sky.

Phew, phew!

The fallen snow from the tree piled up on Kiana's body, and some even entered her mouth.


Kiana stomped her feet and glared at Sigurd, who stood tall above her.

There was nothing visible beneath his feet.

But Kiana knew that there was an airship there, capable of soaring in the sky, with a windscreen to shield against the elements. People could sit, stand, or even lie down inside, and it had a huge cannon that could shatter small mountains, along with various other gadgets and functions - like invisibility.

Who knows how Sigurd managed to build it, but it was definitely impressive, Kiana thought sincerely.

However, that didn't stop her from getting angry at Sigurd's prank.

"How dare you do this to me? Are you looking for a fight?"

Kiana rolled up her sleeves in a threatening manner.

Then she saw Sigurd's deadly gaze and the cannon, which revealed its prototype form. The dark and profound barrel was pointed directly at her.

"Oh, the snow is so white and wonderful. I really love it. Shh~ Shh~ Shh~"

Whistling soundlessly, Kiana stood innocently in place, as if nothing had happened.

"Get on."

Sigurd said calmly.

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