Chapter 23: She's Just Kiana

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'I must admit, Otto is indeed amazing. Even when his deepest thoughts were exposed, he calmly set up verbal traps.'

Sigurd thought to himself, looking calm as he stared at the camera, as if he hadn't noticed Otto's probing.

"Oh, my mistake. I didn't remember correctly."

Similarly, Otto responded with a serious tone, as if it were just a simple slip of the tongue. He then asked:

"I'm interested in your possibility, but I can't simply believe you based on a few words. Do you understand?"

"There is a paper that has been sent to your handheld device."

Otto calmly picked up the tablet-like device and began reading. Five minutes later, he set the device down and said:

"The Information-Origin Theory, a new scientific theoretical system that finds a balance between abstract concepts and empirical data. It's intriguing, but it lacks validation and results. It seems more like the speculation of a third-rate amateur. Such a thing cannot convince me."

"That's why I said it's just a possibility. Validation and results will come, but it takes time."

"And then, am I supposed to be a fool?"

"I wouldn't dare to say that. It's just that, when it comes to resurrection, you wouldn't mind taking a gamble, would you? Besides, having backup insurance for one of your plans, wouldn't that be prudent? We both care about her, and you wouldn't lose out."

"We," referring to Sigurd himself and Kiana.

Plan, referring to sacrificing an important person to awaken the humane side of the Herrscher and cultivate a Herrscher with humanity - the key to this plan is twofold. First, Kiana must grow up smoothly and form bonds with important individuals who value her. Second, when the Herrscher of the Void awakens within her, at least one important person needs to be sacrificed to stimulate Kiana's spirit.

Otto must have considered that sacrificing just one person may not be enough to trigger the desired effect. In that case, sacrificing two, three, or even more individuals until the stimulation is sufficient to allow Kiana's humane side to resist the consciousness of the Herrscher.

From this perspective, the number of sacrifices should naturally be abundant.

As Kiana values Vira, protecting Vira would provide an additional option for sacrifice in the future.

This statement piqued Otto's interest.

He straightened his body, remained silent for a moment, and said:

"This reason is good. You have convinced me."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Furthermore, do your best to validate and put your theory into practice. If you can provide me with sufficient results, I will make concessions in this world."

With his ten fingers crossed and one leg raised, Otto adopted a relaxed and composed demeanor, exuding an air of breaking through boundaries. It clearly conveyed to Sigurd that whoever challenges the status quo, it won't be him!

"I will do my best. I'm also looking forward to seeing the true face of the legendary Valkyrie Kallen Kaslana."

Finally mentioning this crucial name, Otto's pupils contracted, and then he smiled:

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