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(Day 512)

Stan loved the way he moved.

Every time it got busy, Stan always fucked up, and got distracted watching Kenny cook. Every. Single. Time. It's like he couldn't help it, something just always drew his eyes over there, no matter how busy they both were.

On this particular day, Kenny noticed.

At first, when he saw Stan leaning by the POS, he assumed he was waiting on an order or something, but when he didn't see his name on screen, Kenny waved over at him.

Another thing about this particular day, for Stan, was that it was his mom's anniversary - it'd been six years since she died, and although he'd come a long way in the grief process, this day was always hard. So, he stared at Kenny because he needed to. It helped.

Eventually, Stan did go to greet his table, with less enthusiasm than usual. Tolkien noticed. Of course, since they didn't have the best relationship, he asked Mr. Tucker to talk with him in the office.

When Stan came in, completely confused as to why he got pulled off the floor for the night, he took the seat closest to the door. "Mr. Tucker.. Um, did I do something wrong?"

He shook his head immediately, slipping his reading glasses off. "No, no, Stan, nothing like that. Are you okay to work today?"

Oh, people noticed.. Honestly, he was a little grateful. "I thought I was, but maybe not. Um, it's the sixth anniversary of my mom's death, so.."

"Go home, Stan."

The words echoed in his mind as he went to the back to grab his stuff. Home. What a mysterious word to him, now; his dad being with a new woman made the house feel foreign, almost as if his mom was never there in the first place. It was gross, but it was the only "home" he wanted to go to right then.

His hand wrapped around the collar of his coat, but Stan couldn't move. He was scared. What if his dad didn't want to remember his mom?

"You need anything, dude?" Kenny's unusually soft voice fell over his ears from the doorway, which relaxed his tense shoulders immediately. "Ky told me.. Can I come by later?"

Stan was surprised. Ever since their argument, they seemed even closer, somehow, and it was admittedly fucking with his feelings. He couldn't say no to Kenny, though. "Yeah. I'll text you when I'm home."

At least, there was something to look forward to later.


Only about fifteen minutes after Stan texted Kenny that he was home, there was a knock at the door. He must've been hanging out somewhere close, since by foot, his house was more than twenty minutes away; it kind of tickled Stan that he would wait to see him.

But, where was Tammy tonight?

What was that, my guilt? She's the one who treats him like shit! He's probably glad to have a break!

By the way Kenny was smiling as he kicked off his boots at the door, Stan was right. Yet, the stumble into the living room presented a different mindset his friend was in, though - Kenny was drunk. Not just regular drunk either, Stan could smell the alcohol off of him as he landed sloppily on the couch.

"'Ey! Stan the man!" He casually stuck a joint in his mouth, not missing a beat in his smooth, and confident demeanor. "You doin' okay?"

Trying not to reflect on some uncomfortable conversations with his father, Stan shrugged. "Um, I guess." He took the joint from Kenny easily. "Are you okay? You're pretty drunk, Ken."

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