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(Day 577 Pt.1)

Blood splattered from his mouth as Stan's fist connected, sending the challenger to the pavement with an embarrassing sprawl. Breathing heavily from the amount of pure rage he'd put into the fight so far, Stan wiped blood from his own mouth. "I'll keep going, Tolkien!" He wasn't his best self right then, soaked in blood, and some random sauce that was thrown across the kitchen that started this all.

The other finally stumbled to his feet, grabbing at the brick wall on his left: "Fuck you, Stan! You had no goddamn right to get in the middle of my personal shit! It isn't your business anymore!"

"Are you fucking serious?! Did you already forget how you literally fucked Wendy for years behind my back? Now, you wanna get pissed 'cause you're treating her like shit, and I'm calling you out on it?!" Stan was about to run at him again, only to be held back by unknown strong arms. He didn't bother to look at who it was, he knew it was Kenny, it just didn't matter right then. "What's your goal, huh?! Do you want to get beat to death?!"

Tolkien tried to make a move himself now, but since the last punch had been full of incredible animosity, he couldn't walk straight. Falling back to the ground, he began to slowly drag his body across the pavement to continue their fight - he wasn't backing down, either.

But, Mr. Tucker had enough; finally exploding from the back door of the restaurant, he was bright red with unbridled rage. And, being the large man he was, Stan was quick to back off.

He picked Tolkien up easily by the collar of his Manager shirt like he weighed nothing, steadying him before speaking with authority again: "I expect better from you boys! Fighting in the kitchen, and at the restaurant in general is completely unprofessional, and ridiculous! I'm embarrassed that any of you would behave like this!" Stan looked at the ground as the guilt started to set in. "That being said, Tolkien, you started the fight, you're fired. Stan, you idiot.. you're on probation - all doubles next week. All of you - get back to work, or I'll find a new damn staff!"

Stan didn't realize that other people were watching. He'd been so lost in the fight itself, he never stopped to think about how insane it all seemed. Of course, everyone had seen Tolkien throw the sauce pan, and then the punch following it, but he stopped thinking at some point.

He just couldn't control his temper when he saw the way Tolkien was squeezing Wendy's wrist. Stan felt sick even thinking back to it. Still, he didn't mean for it to go so far. He didn't even see her around now. Fuck, I probably made things worse..

In a bit of a daze, maybe from some sort of shock, Stan staggered back inside the restaurant. If Kyle was there that day, he would've received another punch, he was sure of it; his ginger best friend hated it when he missed a fight.

Rinsing his face in the dim light of the kitchen bathroom, Stan scowled at the ugly bruises scattered around the skin. He had just gotten to the point where he could stand to look at himself in the mirror, and now, Stan was back to square one. Well, maybe, it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't good.

He smirked a little to himself - Tolkien wouldn't bother him anymore, and that was the one thing worth celebrating. Hopefully, he'd leave Wendy alone, too.

The knock at the door interrupted the slight celebration, though: "Stan?"

It was Kenny, and he should've figured that would be the case since he had made such an effort to hold him back. Stan didn't need confirmation to know the blonde was always trying to protect him. So, he opened the door.

The dark eyes alone were enough to freeze him, helpless against Kenny as always. Damnit.. Stan cleared his throat to awaken his senses again: "Uh, w-what's up?"

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