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(Day 420)

Stan and Wendy tried to keep their breakup private.

As soon as Tolkien started walking around with his hand openly on Wendy's ass, however, everyone had something to say. Except Stan - Kyle couldn't even get him to talk about what happened.

Stan avoided everyone like the plague. He couldn't face the questions, it all pissed him off too much. If he kept thinking about it, it would just result in the realization that he was damn near a hypocrite.

After nearly a week, Kyle finally had him alone in the apartment, cornered in the kitchen with no escape. He refused to let his best friend deal with a huge breakup like this without talking to another human being about it.

"Dude!" Kyle had him trapped between the fridge. and the small walkway from the kitchen, the only escape back to the confines of his room. Stan looked pissed. "Stop hiding from everything, and everyone! Talk to me!"

He never wanted to make his problems someone else's, but by not talking about it, that's exactly what he was doing. Stan slumped against the fridge, and decided to talk for the first time in days: "I ended things with Wendy. She's been fucking Tolkien for who-knows how long.. and, I've just been pissed off."

Stan had the right to be angry. Kyle, on the other hand, was having a difficult time containing his excitement. He couldn't stand Wendy. "Well, dude, um." Kyle firmly pressed his lips together, deciding against continuing with what he knew Stan wasn't ready to hear.

Stan rolled his eyes. I can't believe Kyle is trying this hard to not be fucking stoked about me dumping her.. this must be torture for him. Now that thought made him grin. "I know what you're thinking, Ky." He was going to fuck with his best friend - just so he'd leave him alone. "And how dare you?!"


"Yeah!" Stan stifled a laugh by turning, and wiping away a fake tear. "How dare you think I'm better off without her! That's, like, the last thing I need to hear right now!"

Since he had let the 'like' slip, one of Stan's lying tells, Kyle punched his undefended arm. His nostrils flared: "Fuck you, dude! I was actually feeling sympathy for your stupid ass!"

"Look," He felt a little bad. Kyle was pouting, and he knew it was just because he cared. "I've been feeling a bit guilty myself, actually. Uh, you know how I feel about Kenny, so.. I feel like it's unfair the way I tore her apart for cheating. I could've ended it any time too, and I should've when I first realized how I felt about him. I'm no better than her, dude."

"But, you didn't fuck the guy, Stan! She could've been doing this behind your back for years! That's just blatant disrespect for you as a person, which might actually be worse!"

Kyle was a bit biased, yet he did have a point. Still, it didn't matter to him as much as it should've if he ever truly loved her. "I-I guess it doesn't matter now.. I don't think I was ever in love with her in the first place. We should've been just friends this whole time."

He nodded along, his frown growing deeper. "What are you gonna do about Kenny?"

Fuck.. It was the one thing Stan hadn't been thinking about on purpose. "Nothing, Ky. He's with Tammy."


Throwing him a funny look, Stan scoffed. "Wha-? Dude! I'm not gonna be a Tolkien!"

Silence fell over them - Kyle didn't have any good answers. He didn't want to pry too much, he just thought that he could see something between the two. He wanted Stan to be happy.

86 Feelings (Stan x Kenny)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now