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A/N: These next few chapters are on the longer side because.. we're coming up on the end of the story!!! I think (as of right now) 39 will be the last, but I'm still writing the ending. I'm taking more time in editing, so thank you for your patience! <3

After I'm done with this fic, I'm going to take a week off, and then start another Stenny fic! Also, there's a tiny bit of smut at the end of the chapter :)

(Day 580)

The deeper breaths he took the more it burned, and he just couldn't believe he'd managed to land on the side with broken ribs. What were the chances of that?

Stan figured he just had back luck at this point. Every single time he stepped on that board, he fell much, much harder than the times before. And yet, it still didn't hurt as badly as the crippling loneliness.

Since Kenny left him a few nights earlier, Stan chose to become a lifeless robot, going through the last seventy-two hours in a complete trance. It didn't matter. He couldn't face the pain anymore.

Although, his therapist tended to disagree with his refusal to face things. And, so did Kyle.

Because Kyle so adamantly disagreed with how he was handling things, he'd been blowing up Stan's phone all damn day. He ignored it. It was the first time he felt like he didn't need to talk about things; as much as it hurt, Stan understood the situation Kenny was in. Before, he hadn't been looking at his side of things.

So, he decided to continue solo. While Stan loved breaking ribs, and completely sucking ass at kick flips, a coffee sounded like a nice break. Actually, it sounded damn near perfect.

The Tweek's Coffee House.. I wonder if Tweek is around? I haven't seen him in a few days at work. Stan scowled as he remembered Craig's breakdown - it was something else he'd push to the back of his mind. That whole day for him was just utter treachery.

With the board tucked under his arm, Stan began a slow, pained walk to Tweek's. The ribs were probably re-broken, he didn't really know nor care. He'd heal from that.

It seemed like the muggy evening left the coffee house mostly empty, which was much more inviting to someone feeling so antisocial. Despite that, Stan decided he would talk to Tweek, and only Tweek. They might have been able to share each other's pain. Jesus Christ, I'm watching too many damn animes. Stan rolled his eyes at himself as he scanned the menu.

Tweek came around from the back with boxes in his arms, stuttering in his twitchy stride as he noticed Stan waiting to order. It took a few minutes for him to come up there, mostly due to the fact that the only other person in the building was huddled in a booth with a laptop, and textbooks.

"H-Hold on, Stan!" Tweek acknowledged before he turned to set the boxes in front of the cabinets by the coffee machines. Stan noticed he began shaking slightly more, an indicator that he picked up on throughout the years that Tweek was even more nervous. "Uh, AH! W-What can I get for you, man?"

"How are you doing?" He ignored the question.

Tweek sighed, rubbing at his face in a circular motion for a moment. "Did.. Did Craig send you?"

Stan was confused. What happened for Tweek to be this mad at him? "No, dude. The last time I saw him was a couple days ago at Ken's.." The name stung on his tongue. Fuck. "Um, no, I wanted to check on you. I'm not gonna ask what happened, it's none of my business, just tell me how you're doing at least! We've been friends for years, man, I'm here for you."

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