It was a cold Sunday but the good news were, Noma was coping very well and responding to the meds good, Mandisa was awake but still in pain.
Lethu sets to visit Mandisa first, it was that time to tell her what she didn't want to hear. Surprisingly, Mfundo was there and Ndumiso.
She walks in and stands next to Mandisa without greeting.
"Seng'yabona Ndumiso, umngani wakho lo odutshuliwe" Lethu said
"Yah,niyazana mhlampe?" Ndumiso asked.
"I expected better from you kanti mxm, kuyefana nje" lethu said.
"Kuyabingelelwa" Mfundo smiled.
"Angiz'bingeleli izinja mina" She said with anger and ready to fight.
"Aybo, Lethu" Ndumiso looks at her.
"Mandisa ngicela uhlukane noMfundo, manje." She said.
"Ngoba?" Mandisa asked.
"Ang'zwanga?uthi ngoba?" Lethu steps closer to Mandisa.
"Buka" Mandisa takes her gifts and shows it to Lethu.
The gifts that Mfundo brought for her. He was in a wheelchair.
"Uyam'xolela?" Lethu asked.
"Kahle ukum'xina ngemibuzo dadewethu" Mfundo smiled.
"Ey fokofo wena! Ang'khulumanga nawe!" She raises her voice.
"Phela...(Clears throat)angazi" She said.
"Lomuntu cishe wak'bulala yezwa? Cishe wafa, Mandisa! Ushadile lomuntu! Uzoba nengane nje kungek'dala! Bese wena uzong'tshela ukuthi uyam'xolela?" Lethu shared a soft grin.
"I don't expect you to understand. Izinto ezikanje ziyenzeka othandweni" Mandisa said.
"Nibiza ngoThando lento eniyenzayo? Njengoba ek'bhonya nje" She said.
"Okahle wena ntombazane! Awuke uphume nje, ngisakhuluma nes'thandwa sami" mfundo chuckled.
"ngeke ngimangale mengase k'thiwa uk'dlisile lomfana." Lethu sharpened her eyes on Mfundo.
"Lethu ngisacela sikhulume ngaphandle" Ndumiso asked.
"Konke ofuna ukusho, ngitshele la" She said.
"Izithandani lezi, angeke uyingene eyababili" He said.
"Yazi uzong'hlanzisa. Ngizohlanza ngenxa yakho. Ungake ulinge ung'nyele mina!! Wena shuthi awuboni ukuthi uMandisa ukwi Abusive relationship noMfundo?! ngeke mina njengosisi kaMandisa ngibuke amanyala enziwa ilomfana!" Lethu raged in anger.
"Uzowagada amazwi sisi, ngeke size sizwane uma ung'tshinga ngamagama amambi" Mfundo laughed
"Ubani othe ng'funa ukuzwana nawe mhlathi wenja?!" Lethu raised her voice
"Lethu!" Mandisa calls her in order.
"Lalela la keMandisa, uzongang'khuzi yezwa? Ngizama uk'siza wena ngoba lenja le izok'bulala" Lethu takes her hand.
"Lethu, inkinga kusa..."She stuttered again and kept quiet.
"Mandisa, hlukana nalenja" lethu said.
"Lethu" She called her in her softest voice
"Aybo! Mandisa! Hlukana nenja!!" She shouts.
"Ngyaxolisa(she shakes her head)" Mandisa covered her face in tears.
"Kungenjalo ngizobiza amaphoyisa" lethu said.
"Ey ey ey! Yeka uMandisa!" He shouts.
She takes a deep breath and cries but with no sound.