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Hey there! I know, it's been forever. It's your author here, hoping you've been keeping yourselves entertained without me. Unfortunately, I can't promise regular updates because, let's be honest, who has the time? College life, especially in the final year, is no joke. But don't worry, I'll try to update whenever I can find a spare moment. Hope you'll stick around for the ride!

I have something else to share with you all. This story (The curse of human Love!) brings up a mix of emotions for me, it makes me both sad and nostalgic. You might be wondering what I'm talking about. Well, I'll get right to the point. Beomgyu's cat form was actually inspired by my own cat, whose name was Dodo.

It's been over a month now since he passed away. He was exactly like the cat I portrayed in my story. His fur was white, and everything else was quite similar too. Except for the eye color, his eyes was a beautiful golden. he was a Lazy cat, always traveling outside, eating, sleeping-the usual cat routine. He was also the most jealous type of cat just like the beomgyu's character.

I still remember the day we got another cat. He was so envious! He made this expression that screamed jealousy. Whenever I held the other cat, he would shoot me a side-eye, and afterwards, when I tried to pet or stroke him, he would meow angrily and walk away. And sometimes, he would hide, but he would make it so obvious that he was jealous because he made this saddest, most adorable face ever.

We also had another cat, an orange stray that suddenly appeared at our house one day. We fed him, and he started visiting us daily. He was just a little baby, a newborn. Before long, he became attached to me and started living in our home. He was the closest pet I had ever had, as he was with me 24/7. Whenever I returned from college, he would rush toward me, even if he was asleep, as soon as he heard my voice. He would wake up and come closer, then sleep near me.

i named him Pippo, yeah, inspired by the little Doraemon character. He was small, cute, and full of energy like Pippo on the show. Pippo would race around the house while I worked, showing off his moves, and when I was studying, he would hop on my study table and play with the pens, like he was a pro! He was a real handful!

Just a few days later, I came back from college and called for Pippo, but he didn't respond. He was sitting in one place, and it seemed like something was wrong. I took him in my arms and noticed he had a fever. I was worried, and I wanted to take him to the hospital urgently, but unfortunately, it was already closed. Fortunately, we had some fever medicine for animals at home, so we gave him that to help him recover and luckily sooner his fever was gone.

He wouldn't eat anything, so we had to give him milk forcibly, but he just threw it all up. and later He kept throwing up even though his stomach was empty, and it worried me greatly. He suffered the entire night. The next day, I quickly took him to the hospital, as he was so sick, and I was extremely worried. I couldn't bear losing another one.

I took him to the hospital and found out he had jaundice. The doctor reassured me that he would recover in a week, which eased my worries. The doctor instructed me to force-feed him gravy and give him medication. I followed those instructions, and Pippo bit my finger during the process. I still have a small mark from his teeth, i don't want it to disappear...

After giving him the medication, Pippo started behaving strangely, as if he was giving up on life. It was a traumatizing experience, and every moment of it still haunts me. His front legs stopped functioning, and it seemed like he wanted to go somewhere or hide. However, I refused to let him go. I picked him up in my arms and began rubbing his legs, trying to warm them, as they were growing colder and colder.

He turned his head and moved his legs, as if he wanted me to leave him alone. Reluctantly, I placed him on the ground, and he started scratching his back legs. I was worried and continued rubbing his legs, silently praying to the gods to not let this happen.

The curse of Human Love!! yeongyu/beomjun bl ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now