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The class ended and Love hurried to put her things in her bag "I need to pee I'll be right back wait for me here" she got up and left

Offroad meanwhile was waiting for her

He received a message from her after a few minutes "I got my period😭😭 go buy me pads please"

"I'm on my way " Offroad texted her back

He went out to the small grocery store near the university and went to the hygiene products area

"What are you doing here?"  Milk bumped into him as he was trying to figure out which pack to take

"buying pads" Offroad pointed to the pads

"Wait are you...?"

"It's for Love" Offroad explained


"The girl who sat next to me in class"

"oh the cheeky girl"

"Ai I'm the only one who is allowed to call her that" he looked at her with an angry look

She shrugged and kept walking

She had already met with Daou at the cash register

"What are you looking at?"  Daou asked her as she glanced towards where Offroad was

"What's taking him so long" Milk mumbled to herself placing her things in Daou's hands and walking towards Offroad

"Wait Milk" Daou ran after her

"I don't understand which one to take??"  Offroad whispered into the phone

"Hey you, what are you doing here?"  Daou asked Offroad "Wait are you...?"

"it is exactly what I said" Milk smiled and pushed Daou who almost dropped one of her things from his hand

"You" Offroad pointed to Milk and handed her the phone "take it talk to her I didn't understand what she wanted"

Milk giggled and took the phone

She listened to what Love said and took one of the packs there and handed the phone along with the pack back to Offroad

"Thank you" Offroad smiled and went to the cash register to pay and they followed him

"I don't go into the girls' bathroom" Offroad stood in front of the bathroom door

"But I can't go out" Love shouted to him on the line

"I'll bring it to her" Milk said behind him and Offroad was startled

She took the pads from his hand and entered the bathroom

"Your girlfriend is quite nice" Offroad said to Daou who remained standing next to him outside

"She's not my girlfriend" Daou said

"Oh even she can't stand you?"  Offroad stuck out his tongue

"I'm lesbian" Milk shouted at him from the bathroom

"really?"  Offroad looked at Daou as if seeking confirmation of what she had said

"Are you blind? She has a big lesbian flag pin on her bag" Daou said

"So whole house is full of pride flags, that doesn't mean I'm gay" Offroad shrugged

"But your parents are" Love shouted

"Love are you done yet?"  Offroad wanted to convey a topic of conversation

"Yes, I'm just washing my hands" Love answered and left a few seconds later with Milk behind her

"Thank you, you saved me. This idiot would never have managed on his own," Love thanked her "Can I make it up to you with dinner?"

"I'd be happy" Milk smiled and they exchanged lines

"Why would you make it up to her with dinner, she just brought you the pads that I" Offroad emphasized the word "bought"

"Omg you're really blind" Daou said

"what?"  Offroad looked at him in confusion

"Bye, see you" Love waved her goodbye and pulled Offroad who was still confused

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