family nature

203 16 11

Daou got up again at noon and already felt much better

He came out of his room and saw Offroad lying on the couch with a snack and watching TV

"You woke up!"  Offroad said with his mouth full "come sit" he threw some crumbs from the sofa to the floor and motioned for him to sit

"You took it over like it was your house...didn't your parents teach you manners?"  Daou sat carefully

"They tried" Offroad swallowed what was in his mouth "but I spent a lot with Pond and Joong"

"Pond and Joong?"

"My uncles" Offroad explained "lack manners and love to tease, from Uncle Gemini and Fourth I got the love of games, and from Dunk and Phuwin the ability to handle and give back to the teasing of Joong and Pond and the love for snacks from Uncle Perm and Uncle Boun helped him spoil me"

"Your family is very…" Daou searched for the right word "Interesting?"

"Very, want some?"  Offroad handed him the snack but Daou refused

Offroad's phone vibrated and he saw that Gun was calling

"Shia papa" he panicked "he must be waiting to come pick me up, what will I tell him??"

"I don't know" Daou shrugged

"Come on, help me here" Offroad was stressed and stood

"It's your fault you stayed here"

"I stayed here to take care of you bitch" Offroad answered the call before it hung up and Gun will be worried and turn the world upside down

"Offroad" Gun said straight "where are you? I'm waiting"

"Papa, the lesson is extended today, we finish in half an hour"

"Ok I'm waiting for you" Gun said and hung up

"Get up now you're driving me to the university" Offroad pulled him off the couch and hurried to change his clothes himself


Daou dropped Offroad at the back entrance and Offroad walked out of the university as if he had been there all day

"Papa" Offroad ran to him

"Hey baby" Gun hugged him "Love just passed through here"

"really?"  Offroad tried not to stress "Did she say something?"

"It's just that you're probably late and you'll arrive in a little while" Gun said and got into the car

"Well done Love, you managed to keep your mouth shut" Offroad muttered and entered from the other side

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