surprising each other

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Pond's phone rang and Pond hurried to reach out and answer before it woke Phuwin

"Hello?" he whispered

"Did you make what I asked for?"  Joong asked

"No it's just in the evening I'll start in a few more hours" Pond yawned

"No you have to start now it must be perfect"

"Ok I'm getting up" Pond hung up

"Who was that?"  Phuwin who was still hugging Pond and was cradled in one of his arms woke up

"Joong" Pond combed his hair "It's his and Dunk's wedding day and he's planning a surprise for Dunk"

"No..." Phuwin looked up at him in surprise "Dunk is planning something for him"

"what??"  Pond looked at him in confusion

"Dunk and I planned a cooking workshop for them because it's time for Joong to learn to cook something besides breakfast that Dunk taught him and then they go to the top of a small mountain together to watch the stars together on a picnic blanket and then they go into a tent and go to sleep-"

Pond raised an eyebrow

"Well Dunk didn't bother to specify what they would do before they went to sleep but  then they'll wake up in the morning to see the sunrise together and go home"

"But Joong planned for them to go bowling together and then a romantic sunset cruise and then a meal at a restaurant. I'm supposed to go buy them things to arrange their room which will be decorated with balloons, flowers and candles"

"What will we do??"  Phuwin looks desperate

"Why didn't you tell me about it??"

"Well because you can accidentally blurt it out when you're talking to Joong and it already happened at the surprise birthday we planned for Joong last year, and also Dunk and I thought Joong would forget about it"

"Why would he forget about it?"

"Because he forgets almost every event... even for your birthday party he came with the work suit because even though Dunk reminded him in the morning he forgot"

"But all the other years he had something planned for him" Pond reminded him

"Because they had the calendar on the fridge where the wedding day was marked but this year they were here so Dunk thought he must have forgotten"

"So what do we do now??"

"One of us must cancel the other's plan"

"Ok then tell Dunk that the program is canceled because the cooking workshop is canceled and ban entry to the mountain"

"Why should we change the plans?? Tell Joong that you can't do the sailing because of the winds and the bowling is closed and the place for the dinner is closed because it's on the beach and a huge wave flooded the place" Phuwin crossed his arms

"He won't like it"

"Let him save it for the next wedding day, he'll run out of ideas eventually, we saved him one year"

"I'll call him" Pond sighed and dialed

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