doll face

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"Why did you invite her to dinner?"  Offroad asked Love as they walked to their next class

"To thank her" Love smiled innocently

"Wait - do you like her?? But they are both stupid"

"She's not stupid, we were just arguing with them" Love shrugged "and you also have to admit that she's pretty hot"

"You can't date our enemies!"

"What enemies? We just started with them on the left foot but it's okay we'll fix it, she helped me they must be nice"

"Whatever" Offroad rolled his eyes

"And you come with me to dinner too, I'll tell Milk to bring Daou too"

"what?!"  Offroad stopped

"You will enjoy" Love entered the classroom

"Love, I didn't agree to this" he ran after her "and papa won't either"

"I'll ask them"


"Offroad" Gun waved to him when he saw him leaving the university

"pa! dad!" Offroad ran to them and hugged them

"In the morning you hurried to run away from us" Gun stroked his head

"In the morning you arrived with everyone" Offroad reminded them "and I missed you too"

They tightened the hug

"Hey Love" Off noticed that Love was waiting on the side

"Hi uncle off Hi uncle Gun" she smiled at them

"Let's get you home" Gun told her and they got into the car

"Can I take Offroad to dinner today?"  Love smiled like a good girl

"Why when you ask them for something you always use your doll face but when you ask me for something you demand it?"  Offroad folded his hands and leaned back in his chair

"Because from you I will get what I want anyway" Love stuck her tongue out at him "So I can?"  She returned to the doll face and turned to Offgun

Gun and Off exchanged glances

"Please please please I'll take care of him and you won't have to bring him back, he's sleeping at my place" she begged

"Ok" Gun nodded "but answer the calls right away when I'm calling"

"Of course" Love smiled triumphantly

"We're going out with 2 other people" Offroad smiled

"With who?"  Gun turned around

"They are 2 students studying with us but they are nice don't worry" Love was quick to say and glared at Offroad but he just smiled innocently

Gun looked hesitant

"You even said that Offroad should make more friends" Love reminded him

"Okay, okay, but he won't drink," Gun said to Love "You know what happens when he drinks."

"He won't drink" Love nodded with a serious face

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