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"Maybe it's time to tell him?"  Pond asked when Off and Gun finished hearing the story

"No" Gun and Off said together

"You were angry at your father for hiding this world from you" Pond reminded Gun

"I know but I understand him now" Gun said "at least he'll graduate first"

"You said that even after he finishes elementary" Joong returned to them after he put Dunk to bed

"The children at the orphanage laughed at him for being alone, in elementary school they laughed at him for not having a mother and having two fathers-"

"And you silenced those kids" Phuwin reminded Gun of the hypnosis he did to the kids

"I don't want him to be afraid that someone will find out about it" Gun ignored what Phuwin said

"You don't want him to be afraid of you or Off" Phuwin corrected him

"Also" Gun admitted "he is so innocent and so sensitive"

"It's your choice to tell him" Pond said "but eventually someday he will find out on his own, we don't age and he'll notice it"

"We tried to tell him when he was in the 8th grade, he ran away from home in fear, we found him after a few hours and hypnotized him so he would forget" Off sigh

"We didn't know about that..." Joong said

"We didn't want anyone to know it was sad enough for us ,we didn't want you all to think he was afraid of you" Gun explained

"Well what do we do with them?"  Phuwin seeing that they were tense changed the subject and pointed to Ellen and Winn who were sitting next to Drake

"I need more details from them about the hunters they met" Off looked at them

"Hunters?"  Pond looked confused

"Vampire Hunters" Off explained "They have been here for a long time but started to appear and operate in the last year, they recruit more people and train harder, they also get more information about us but we still haven't been able to catch them, they always come prepared in advance with a plan and a lot of weapons"

"How come we didn't know about them until now?"  Joong asked

"They didn't bother us that much, they were more active in other countries and cities, but someone told them that there are more tribes here, so they moved here"

"So they know about us?"  Phuwin asked

"They know my face but even if they know where I live they won't dare to attack this place or enter this neighborhood, they know we are more than them and stronger than them, they only attack in places where there are only a few people, or weak or drunk vampires ,so try not to go to parties"

"Shouldn't we kill them?"  Pond suggested

"We also don't know enough details about them and they haven't harmed any of our tribe or the tribes that are allied with us. They harm individual vampires who are not in the tribe, like them" he pointed at Ellen Winn and Drake "Ok now you can go back to your rooms I will arrange a room for them go to sleep"

"Ok" Joong hurried to go sleep with dunk

"What do you think of that?"  Phuwin lay and looked at the ceiling

"I'm tired I don't think" Pond yawned his eyes were already closed but he opened them and looked at Phuwin

"Do you think they will try to hurt us?"

"Did you hear what Off said, we'll wait and see" Pond turned to him and hugged him "but I won't let anyone hurt you" he gave him a kiss and closed his eyes

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