#20 For your own good

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"What do you mean she turned back in time?" Klaus asked.

"So you did something to her?" Diego snapped.

Five rolled his eyes and sighed tiredly, "God, Diego."

"She obviously didn't want you to get close to her!" He added.

"And of course that's the only thing that stuck in your head. Didn't you see how scared she was? Something must have happened after you came in... and since you weren't even supposed to be here, you should rather ask yourself what you did to her."

Diego looked like he was going to go after Five, but Luther stepped between them, "that's enough, stop it."

Diego looked at Luther as if he had betrayed him, even by being here in the first place.

"You're right, I really don't have time for this right now! I have to find her." He stepped forward.

"And you know where to find her?" Diego asked mockingly.

Five turned around, "and you know? You keep telling everyone how Lila is your wife. So if you know your beloved wife so well, tell us where she is?" He uttered with considerable sarcasm.

They all looked at Diego, and he ran his eyes over the others. "What do I know? Probably with the kids."

"Yeah, the way she was, she'd definitely be going to see the kids..." uttered Five snidely. "Thanks for coming, everyone, but it looks like our party is over."

"We can help," Sloane uttered. "I'm worried about her too."

Five was going to turn them down at first, but eventually they agreed and split up. Luther and Sloane, Diego and Klaus, Five and Victor. Each went looking elsewhere.

"Thanks for wanting to help me, but I'll look for her myself." Said Five when everyone else had left, leaving only Viktor.

"It's clear to me that you just wanted to get rid of everyone and look for her yourself. But I really want to help."

Five looked around, trying to think quickly where he could go to find her.

"Seriously, let someone help you out once in a while."

Five finally looked at him for the first time, Victor could see in him that he was really worried about Lila. That alone was proof that it was harder for him to pretend to be above things in front of others, as was Five's habit.

"What do you think happened?" Victor pitched, knowing that if Five could get it all out loud, it might help him.

"She was talking about broken windows... that's kind of your specialty."

"You think I had something to do with it?"

"I think your powers have something to do with it. If Lila and Diego had a fight there, she could have... used your powers..." a picture of the events began to form in his mind. "But he would have had to have done something to really piss her off..." he thought back to the whole event, everything Lila had said, "she probably wanted everyone to stay away from her so she wouldn't use anyone's powers, it probably happened by mistake... maybe she could have inadvertently hurt someone and that's why she was so scared..."

Before Victor could respond with another question, they both overheard:

"Diego!" Klaus called out to him from a distance, Diego rushing towards them like a big water.

"Well, we missed you here." Said Five.

"You didn't think I was just going to let this go, did you?" Diego uttered angrily.

Five ✘ Lila • SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now