14. Where to find right back at you

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In the emptiness of the cold, lonely night,
I can clearly hear the cracks of rolling stones
as I walk along a path of enormous arenaceous grass and soil,
unable to reach its unending edge, full of gleaming, irregular curves.

Fagged from exhausting travels—burdened with infelicitous thoughts—
I walk aimlessly, like a forgotten ghost wandering in eternal silence,
blown by the coolest breeze of the glittering atmosphere, lit by the arching halo
of the glowing candy of the nighttime sky—where my shadow lays beneath my feet.

Deep sighs intersect the dusty air as I look up, avoiding the harsh wind
that assaults the earth. I think about the inevitable disappointments that filled
the reckless day. No one to talk to, except my dear, everlasting friends in the sky:
flying, floating, and hanging steadily as they twinkle and scatter across the trails of darkness.

With the permission of the drifting cottons of the deep horizon, my wish
is granted: I see them, listening to my pleading, humble voice.
Tears stream from my bursting purple eyes, sprinkling the dying grass above the thirsty soil.

©Wayne, 2015

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