Pretty when i cry

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I was having my breakfast -or was supposed to if I didn't zone out again - when Yeji walked in the kitchen.

I have been trying to ignore her since that night. It's not like she did anything wrong, I'm just still embarrassed about it.

"Are you going out?"

I hummed.

"Well, that's something."

She was teasing again. It's cause I don't normally leave the house if I didn't have to. And definitely not so early on a weekend.

"I'm going out with Felix to help him get stuff for his new home."

I said without looking up from my cereal.

I can feel her concerned eyes on me.

"Will you be okay?"

"What's so dangerous about helping your best friend get ready for his wedding?"

We held eyes.

I tried my best to look strong.

I tried my best not to let it show on me.

And I'm not sure if it worked, but she didn't say anything for a while. None of us did.

Our silent conversation was interrupted when I heard honking outside of my house.

"He's here, I'll be goin- Yeji?"

Before I got the chance to leave my seat, she ran to the door.

And I panicked. Cause I knew she was up to something.

So I ran after her.

"Good morning, Jinn- oh, Yeji."

I can't quite understand the look on his face.

But I can tell that Yeji was up to no good.

"Hello, Felix. What brought you to our house?"

I tried pushing her away, but for her small figure, she was stronger than she looked.

"I'm taking Hyunjin out, so if you don't mind, step aside."

If I didn't know any better, I'd say he sounded jealous.

But the thought of it alone makes me laugh.

"I do mind actually, last time you -"

"Yeji! Get the fuck inside, right now!"

I don't know what made me snap like that. Maybe it's the fact that she was about to expose me in front of him. Or maybe it's the fact that I didn't want him to know that I cried after our last meet-up.

"But, Hyunjin-"

And I really, really hated myself for yelling at her like that.

Especially that I know she didn't mean bad. She was just trying to help.

But that's not how I want us to end.

"Don't make me say it again."

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