Making the bed

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"Why am I with you again?"

Jisung asked for the tenth time.

I held his hand tighter even though my palms were getting sweaty.

He didn't complain.

"You were the one mad about me possibly getting hurt, so suck it up and stay by my side."

It feels nice having him by my side.

It makes things less overwhelming,
cause he always knows how to make me forget about things.

He always knows how to cheer me up.

"So when will I get to meet your - oh never mind, here he comes."

I looked to where Jisung pointed with his head to find Felix heading towards us.

And oh mother nature.

He looked out of this world.

"Oh, man, you're drooling already."

I slightly punched Jisung.

I was not drooling.

Oh, and look, she was here too.


"Hey, Jinnie! Oh shoot, you seriously brought a friend."

"Excuse me? Am I not wanted here or something?"

"I missed you too, Jisung."

Right, they know each other.

We all used to go to the same high school, and Jisung and Ryujin used to have some classes together.

Though me and him only got close recently when we worked together.

I looked at Felix again, only to find him already looking at me.

See, these things make me confused.

Why look at me when your future wife is right next to you?

Why make things harder for me?

"You look so -"

"He looks so hot, doesn't he? My very hot friend Hyunjin!"

Maybe bringing Jisung was a bad idea.

"No one was talking to you, Jisung."

For some reason, Felix and Ji never clicked.

And even though Jisung has his reasons for not liking Felix now, there was absolutely no reason for Felix to glare at the poor boy like that.

"Darling, would you be kind enough to show our guest around?"

"You got it, baby! Follow me, Ji."

Wait, what?

"No, I -"

I was gonna stop her from taking my human shield, aka Han Jisung, away from me, but Felix held my wrist and pulled me with him.

What the heck is going on.

"Jinnie, let's go have a drink."

We sat down at the bar stool, and he ordered us two drinks.

I couldn't take my eyes off him.

He looked so good, it hurts.

It's not fair.

It's really not fair.

"Well, this is new."

I looked at him confused.

I'm not really sure what he's talking about.

"You always zone out. You just never did it looking at me. Can't blame you, though. My baby said I look so good."

She's right.

She's damn right.

"I- no, I wasn't - your overconfidence is concerning."

He laughed.

He fucking laughed.

And it sounds like music to my ears.

"So, Jisung huh? Is he your boyfriend?"

I chocked on my drink.

How more stupid can you be?

Why can everyone see it but not you?

I only have my eyes on you.

Plus, not Jisung.

"Ew, what the heck! We work together, and we're just kinda close, I guess."



What's that supposed to mean?

What do you mean good?

Wouldn't it be good if I was dating him?

His phone vibrated, and he frowned as he looked at it.

"Shit, I'll be back, Jin. My girlfriend needs me."

And I was left alone.

I don't even know where Jisung is.

I heard someone gasp from behind me.

"Oh my god, Hyunjin? Is that really you?."

I'm very confused.

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