Gone With the Wind

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"I don't know," said Moon, twisting her hands as she stood before Sky, looking absolutely miserable. "I'm really not comfortable with this."

Sky resisted the urge to snap at Moon. It wasn't fair. Moon had told her she wanted nothing to do with this, and yet, here she was, pressuring Moon into something she clearly didn't want to do.  Everything about Moon was soft, and kind, and gentle. She was like a patch of warm sunlight, pure and beautiful, and Sky felt dirty just for asking this of her, but it wasn't like she had a lot of options.

"I know. And I wouldn't ask this of you if it wasn't important, but Moon, please, you are the only one who can do it."

"Still. It just doesn't feel right. I don't like being dishonest to people, even if it is Kyler—"

Sky let out a tense sigh, and glanced at Kyler, who was mercifully far enough from them for Sky to be able to suppress the shudder of disgust and fear that always ran through her spine when he was near. The PE class was about to start, and they were all at the sports field - Kyler and his Cobra Kai gang were hanging out on the other side of the field, doing warm-ups, laughing loudly, and checking out girls who happened to walk past them. They were wearing the school's official gym clothes, but their backpacks, jackets, and hoodies were scattered on the benches behind them, and Sky spotted more than one big, raw Cobra Kai logo in their belongings. That sight was enough to make Sky sick, her stomach turned.

"You don't have to really be dishonest," she said, turning her attention back to Moon, trying to reassure her.  "Just— just go and talk to him. For five minutes, that's all I'm asking. Keep him, and his friends distracted and we'll take care of the rest."

Moon glanced over her shoulder at the boys and her frown deepened. She looked agonized - torn between wanting to be a good friend, and her kind, gentle nature.

"Are you sure this is the only way?"

Sky feared something inside of her would snap, like a coil that's been stretched too tight. She couldn't hide the exasperated tone of her voice, no matter how hard she tried. "Please, Moon. There is no other way. You know I can't go near him. None of us can. He knows we fucking hate him, he would realize we're up to something. But he won't suspect you. You can talk to him about something— anything, and he'll be eating out of the palm of your hand! Make something up, about the prom or— I don't know about the football game, I don't care. Anything to give us a couple of minutes."

Moon changed weight on her feet. "Oh, Sky, maybe this isn't the best idea—"

"Well, it's the only one I have," Sky said, trying to keep her voice calm but failing miserably. "You are a feminist, Moon. And this is a feminist issue. Think about all the girls Kyler has harassed. Do you want him to get away with it? Is that really something you could live with, knowing you had the chance to help, but you did nothing?"

"I do support you, you know that. It's just— I wish there was some other way. I know how it feels like to be the bully— and I know that it's always possible to change, to apologize. I was hoping that maybe Kyler would do that too, but..."

Sky's chest tightened at Moon's words. It was true that Moon had been a mean girl, and that her actions had caused a lot of pain to many people, but still— what she had done was nothing compared to what Kyler was doing. Kyler was beyond redemption. He was like Matt. A person without a heart.

"Moon, I know you always want to see the best in everyone, but—" she hesitated for a heartbeat or so. "You are nothing like Kyler. You are the kindest person I've ever met, but— but Kyler is hurting people because he enjoys it. He is never going to apologize, and he is never going to stop unless we make him."

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