Chapter Nine... What. The. Fuck

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Kali trudged through the front door, her heels scraping against the floor as she made her way into her home.

The graduation ceremony was over, and she was finally home, but the excitement and pride she felt earlier had worn off. Now, all she could think about was the argument she had with Ken the night before.

She shuddered at the memory, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over her. But as she looked around the room, she realized that the only thing dirty was the space itself. Her makeup and hair products were everywhere, her bed was a mess.

Ken abruptly grabbed Kali by her shirt, lifting her shoulders up up off the ground, one hand holding on to her shirt, and his other hand was holding her phone.

Ken's eyes were filled with rage as they darted around her face, looking for any hint of guilt. Her eye had blackened from him dropping the phone on her face, he didn't mean it, but he didn't care. "Ken let me go," Kali uttered in defeat.

He kneeled down to her level and was hovering over her. Kali had never seen this side of Ken. He's always been jealous of Von and he didn't do a very good job of hiding it, but this is the worst it's been. "Ken what do you want from me?" Her face frowned up and her tears were peaking on her water line.

"Save that crybaby shit man. I already know what it is shawty. Stop lyin',"

Kali stayed quiet, knowing no matter what she said, his mind was already made up. He went through the phone and she was positive he didn't find anything that showed signs of her cheating, but Ken just thought she was good at hiding it.

"Alright," he uttered before letting her go. He scanned the room one more time before grabbing his book bag and hoodie and walking right out the front door.

Kali laid there in defeat, trying to pinpoint exactly where she went wrong.

Maybe I am wrong, she thought, staring at the wall ahead of her. I mean how would I feel if he had did what I did.

She closed her eyes and envisioned a scenario where Ken had came in from work and sat on the bed, asked her to get something out of the car and she came back to him on the phone with another girl.

Telling her how much he loved her, and how sorry he was. Leaving in the details that he had never apologized to her since the start of the relationship.

A wave of guilt washed over her and her senario continued. Tears escaped her eyes once she realized she had brought this upon herself. She wanted to call him and apologize, but the situation was too fresh.

The guilt built up in the pits of her stomach as she recalled how she played with her pussy to the thought of Von.

She realized every problem she was having, she had brought it upon herself: her drinking, her arguing with Von, her being oblivious and disrespectful, her fucked up life, her fucked up head, her fucked up childhood, her stupid fears, it was all her.

She could feel herself growing sick and she ran to the bathroom for the toilet and puked out her guts. Her own decision making her sick to her stomach.

After she was done she sat next to the toilet and thought about her life. Her graduation was tomorrow and the way she was feeling she didn't even want to go, they can mail me my shit' she thought.

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