Chapter Fifteen... Thank You

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The police sirens got louder and louder until they were on my mom's porch. 2 cars showed up in a hurry.

Kali had her back turned away from the officers as she stared at her mom. Her feelings and world were shattered.

It's hard to keep in mind of her mental health when these type of situations were happening. Kali would forgive her again and the cycle would continue.

No matter what her mom did to her, she loved her unconditionally and thoroughly, nothing could make her completely turn her back on her.

Her trauma, her hurtful words, her actions, none of it was enough for Kali to shut her out of her life completely. She will forever have a soft spot for her mom.

The police emerged from their cars and walked across the lawn, walking over the freshly groomed grass.

Kali's mom stood with her arms crossed beside her and Kali stared at the broken glass on the ground.

"To your feet!" The first officer yelled out sternly, walking up behind Kali.

Kali wouldn't hear thought, she was too hurt, too much in her head. She sat on the ground, ignoring them, deep down in her head hoping they would just kill her.

"You can't hear the man," Keisha spoke up, looking down at Kali.

But she still don't bulge.

The officer came behind Kali and grabbed her by her arm, putting them behind her back and cuffing her.

"You too fucking grown to still act like this Kali, your not a kid anymore, grow up." Her mom spoke in front of her, watching the police cuff her.

The second officer was a lady, she walked to the scene, taking in the mess around her. "What happened?" She asked, waiting for anyone to respond.

The female officer took a look at Kali's face that hung low as she stood in cuffs. "What happened to your face ma'am?" She asked.

Kali ignored her and her mom didn't say a word. "Okay, somebody needs to start talking or everybody going down to the station." The female office spoke sternly.

Kali listened as her mom told them what happened, she didn't lie about anything, just leaving out the part about Romney beating her up. The female officer had on a body cam so it's wasn't any need to take notes.

They repeatedly asked her what happened to her face and if the mom was leaving anything out, but Kali remained silent.

The police got Kali's phone and keys for her and let her go from the cuffs, before escorting her off the property.

The police wrote it in as a family altercation and left it at that. As long as Kali left the property.

Kali immediately pulled from the house and was only able to drive for 2 minutes before she broke into tears.

Kali's hands tightened around the steering wheel as her body began to tremble.

Her breathing quickened, each gasp shallow and ragged. She struggled to focus on the road ahead, but her vision blurred. Panic clawed at her chest, suffocating her.

"Aww fuck," She coughed out, feeling the air in the car heating up. She pulled over into the shoulder realizing she was having a panic attack.

She coughed out her tears, and they kept coming. She gasped loudly trying her hardest to catch her breath and calm down.

Her hands gripped against the steering wheel as cars flew past her. Her turned her hazard lights on and held her head on the steering wheel closing her eyes.

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