Waiting for Everyone But Myself

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I'm live for your milestones,

For your birthdays, your vows, your smiles.

I count your moments like stars in the sky,

But my own road stretches for miles.

I stay for your child's first steps,

For the joy that blooms in your eyes.

Yet when I turn to search for mine,

All I see are empty skies.

I'm here to witness your laughter,

To clap when you reach the peak.

But when I try to find my voice,

I realise I've forgotten how to speak.

I live in the shadow of your joy,

Waiting, just waiting, for the day

When I can finally stop pretending

That I'll find a reason to stay.

I look at your life, so full of light,

And wonder why mine feels so dim.

Is it wrong to say I'm just waiting,

For my flame to flicker and trim?

I can't find a milestone, not one,

That belongs to me and me alone.

I'm alive for your happiness, not for mine,

And I feel it deep, in my bones.

So I'll stay for you, for all of you,

For as long as you need me here.

But when your milestones pass like dust,

Will you notice if I disappear?  

Canvas of Emotions: Painted in PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now