♧the first leaf: part 8♧

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Did you really have a choice? Walking out late at night in a whole different country was already dangerous. But going in a car with Michael Kaiser, who offered it to you is a fever dream. As much as you admired him, and loved him with your whole heart, you couldn't just step into his car because he offered right? He seemed pretty... odd... as a person so far. Ending up in bed with that many women itself is the first big red flag. How could you be sure he wouldn't poison you and do something!? Ok you knew that was a stretch. But the thing is, one can never, never be too safe around someone. Sure, Kaiser has a good public image, but then again, doesn't every celebrity need to have a good image for the public? Very few people would actually know whether or not Kaiser is a good person and as much as your heart hated to admit it, your brain didn't. His whole personality screamed red flag so far. But burgundy was one of your favorites. Sure, it isn't red red but it's still a shade so it counts.

"You know what, I'll take you up on that offer."

"I knew you couldn't resist my charm."

"Charm my ass. I simply don't really like the idea of walking out alone in the dark streets of Germany to go to a hospital."

"A pretty woman like you wouldn't have a chance of surviving in the dark lonely streets of Germany anyway."

"You are not slick with it. Please just give up. Get this over with."

"Follow me."

"What where?!"

"To hell."

"Haha... you're soooo funny."

"To my car obviously. Are you just stupid? Its fine. I can be the brains and the brawn."

He was getting on your nerves. What the fuck did he mean he could be both? You could be both.  He started to hurt your ego. One more blow and he can kiss his beautiful self goodbye. You did not mean to call him beautiful. Shit.

"This is weird."

"Weird because you haven't folded yet? I know."

"Like I said, I don't fold."


"Where is your car?"

"Oh please you've barely walked two minutes darling"

"Don't "darling" me."

"But you like iiiiit."

"No I don't which is clearly the reason I'm asking you to stop isn't it?"

"Of course milady."

They walked in an uncomfortable silence during the rest of their journey to his car. Uncomfortable for you to say the least. He was very clearly enjoying the whole thing. He loved that look of absolute misery and confusion and whatnot on your face. Once you both reached the car he opened the door for you and signaled you to get in. 

"You're just trying to be a gentleman." You said, in a matter-of-fact tone. Of course he was trying to be a gentleman. Was it not obvious? 

"Woooow you're smart!!"

You just took in a deep breath. Tolerating this man was going to be a real pain in the ass. He started driving. 

"So milady," he started "you don't have anything to say about my car which is an absolute beauty?"

"Frankly, I don't think I care to be honest."

"Its always these rude ones I swear. What do you call them.... uuuh.... tsunderes? Yeah."

"Excuse you I am not a tsundere. I don't even like you that much."

"Then why did you come for today's match."

'get a load of this' you thought to yourself. Did he just think everybody who watched his team's matches watched it just for him? This 'emperor' dude? Cocky ass. Well, yeah it was true that ninety seven percent of the fans probably came to watch matches just because he was hot. You were also one of them, but that was beside the point. You could not let your ego down and admit that. 

"Actually, my favorite player in the team is Ness. I came here for him."

"The jersey you're wearing says otherwise sweetheart."

Shit. You forgot you were wearing that seven-hundred-and-fifty-euro jersey. 

'make up an excuse, make up an excuse' You thought to yourself quickly, as if it was helping in any way.

"My friend, the one you were rude to at the airport took my Ness jersey. She said she was too embarrassed to wear it in the match, so she made me wear it. I had to wear this. She's your fan, not me."

'OH GOD PLEASE TELL ME THAT HIT HIM." You silently prayed to yourself

It did hurt him. And it hurt a lot.


Kaiser's POV:

'What the fuck? I honestly don't think that's believable in the slightest.'

It struck his ego all too well. He was flaring up on the inside, with his signature smug served on the outside. He didn't even know what to say. But he couldn't let himself get humbled that easily.


Back to y/n's POV:

"So you didn't tell me what your name was."

"I thought you said you knew me already. You said you knew me because of my dad's reputation."

"Well I recognize your face but I don't know your name."

"Y/n. L/n Y/n"

"I see."

The rest of the trip was slightly nauseating. This feeling of nervousness started sprouting up inside you instead of the need to preserve your ego. Before you knew it, you had arrived at the hospital. Surprisingly not too far from the stadium.

"Thank you..." you said in a very nervous tone.

"No problem. I'm gonna be dropping you anyway. Don't thank me just yet"

Well fuck. You never thought of how to get back.



Word count: 890

A/n: I'm posting short chapters but I hope they get somewhere. Its easier to post often if I just make shorter chapters. Hope you liked it!! Kind of a rushed one. Still hope you guys enjoyed it.

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