Chapter 4

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Should I keep going? It's not that late yet, so I can always stay up and convert more. Just let me know lol.

"Out of all the guys at our school you're hanging out with Austin?" Lauren asks incredulously. She's never really been too fond of the guy to be perfectly honest. He had a reputation about him but according to Camila it's what makes the kid interesting.

"I like to keep my options open." Camila tells her calmly as she flips through an old copy of Cosmo Lauren had on her desk.

"With Austin that's not the only thing that'll be open." She mutters however the silence in the room makes it easy for Camila to hear and she perks up at the words.

"I'm not going to have sex with him if that's what you're getting at." The brunette says slightly offended. Lauren rolls her eyes and turns around in her computer chair trying her best apologetic smile she can muster.

"I know you're not planning on that happening but... he's Austin." Lauren's nose crinkles at the sound and feel of the boys name on her tongue. "He's the kind of guy that has those expectations and he probably thinks all he has to do is smirk that stupid smirk he has and that he'll be granted permanent access into your pants." She explains matter of factly. "He thinks it's that easy."

"But... I'm not easy... am I?" Camila asks, her head tilting to the side in confusion making the dark haired girl chuckle.

"No Camz, believe you are not easy." Lauren assures her. "He thinks cause he has a dick everyone wants on it, he thinks every girl is easy." She shakes her head at the way teenage boys think.

"But," The brunette speaks up with intrigue. "You don't think all girls are easy." Again, Lauren can't help but laugh.

"That's because I'm dating a girl who I'm pretty certain took a celibacy vow equivalent to that of a nun." She explains sarcastically but oh so serious but her smirk fades when she notices Camila's perplexed stare. "What?"

"Well, at Normani's last party, when you were somewhere secret with Dinah I kind of made out with him and..." She bites down on her lower lip and averts her eyes from her best friend.

"Spit it out Camz."

"I let him feel me up." Shocked? Thrown off? A little jealous? Yes, all of the above.

"Wha-what?" Lauren stammers and her body slumps further into her leather computer chair. Camila's head shakes a little and she gives Lauren a look, the 'you heard me right' look. "Why?"

"Because I wanted him to." She answers after a few thoughtful seconds.

"That's gross." Lauren deadpans.

"Whatever, you're just jealous." Camila calls out when Lauren hastily spins her chair back around to face her lap top. Perhaps, Lauren thinks, that she is jealous but if she were being honest she's not quite sure why. "You're just mad because Dinah has her softball top and pants sewed together tight so you can't slip a hand onto her virgin skin." The brunette laughs out but after it subsides and Camila doesn't hear any kind of response from the other person in the room she quirks an eyebrow. "Oh." She breathes out this time both eyebrows rising.

"Don't." Lauren tells her flatly not bothering to turn around when she hears the bed squeak, she knows Camila is crawling to the foot of the bed which is just behind where she is sitting. She can't fight the small smile that turns into a smirk when she feels two hands on her shoulders squeezing gently or even when those hands come to the top of the chair to spin her around. "Camila!" Lauren squeals out in giggles as she comes face to face with her brunette buddy.

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