Chapter 15

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Hello Gorgeous people :) Here's an update. If there's any errors please comment to let me know and I'll fix it as soon as possible. Something happens next chapter and I'm kind of curious to see what you guys feel about it. 

Monday marks the second to last day of school. It starts off as a normal school day would; Lauren picks up Dinah and then drives past her own house to get Camila. The best friends don't speak about the recent declaration of love Camila had bestowed upon their relationship and Dinah seems none the wiser. Small talk about summer and becoming seniors is simply white noise for Lauren as she safely drives them to school for the second to last time as juniors.

After dropping Dinah off at her locker Lauren and Camila make their way to their neighbor lockers and quietly gather their things. The brunette is acting the same, as though she never told the other about her feelings and how they definitely surpassed the line of friendship. Lauren is too nervous to even broach the subject so that when the five minute warning bell rings it's already too late to even start a conversation. And instead of having that talk with Camila she smiles back awkwardly as the brunette waves goodbye and walks down the hall to her first class.

Lunch is no better. In fact, it's far worse than Lauren had ever anticipated it to be. With Dinah's hand on her thigh while she chats it up with Tina and Mercedes, Lauren's mind is elsewhere. Camila is having a friendly conversation with that girl Becky who is the manager for the softball team, nice enough girl, but all Lauren can think is that this chick is seriously cutting in on her Camila time. Just when she thinks she has an in when Becky finally leaves the table stupid Shawn Mendes comes over in all his oafish glory.

Camila smiles that sweet as candy smile at him and takes the hand he offers to her to go grab a treat from the snack line in the cafeteria. Lauren is completely unaware of the disgusted face she has on, the scowl that completely takes over her features as she watches her brunette best buddy and Shawn Mendes being all chummy and giggly. It's kind of sickening to watch. She has not had one second to talk to Camila alone yet since Saturday morning and to her it feels like an eternity. It's hard to concentrate on all of her jumbled up feelings what with Dinah's hand on her thigh and the Camila catching her eye.

"Lauren." Dinah calls for her, but she is still stuck in her own mind and literally does not hear her girlfriend talking to her. When the blonde realizes how zoned out Lauren is she follows her path of vision only to come to the conclusion that she is more zoned in than out at the moment.

The way the dark haired girl's jaw clenches tells her one of a few things: she's angry, annoyed or worse case scenario... jealous. The more Dinah watches Lauren watch Camila and Shawn the more she sees deep beneath the simple facial expression. Her eyes, though hardened by the sight are soft and show something she herself had felt in the past before she and Lauren finally got together. A longing.

"Lauren?" Dinah nudges her thigh, saying her name a little louder and this time she snaps Lauren out of her daze.

"Hmm?" Lauren turns her attention back to her girlfriend and forces a smile to her face.

"Are you okay?" Her voice is tentative, almost afraid of the answer though she tries to keep that part of her demeanor completely off radar. Lauren shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She assures the blonde without much conviction and spares one final glance over in Camila's direction.

It doesn't make sense to her. One second Camila is standing in her doorway telling her she loves her, that she is in love with her and the next she is totally flirting school girl style right in front of her face. Confusion does not seem to fit the bill.

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