Chapter 7

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"Come on Camz, we gotta go pick up Dinah on the way to Normani's." Lauren yells from the doorway of her bedroom down the hall towards the bathroom where the brunette has been getting ready for way too long for her liking. She huffs when she hears 'just a minute' from Camila because she knows that really means five more minutes.

Back in her room she sets her purse onto her vanity table and leans forward towards the mirror to check out her handy work. She's a hot piece if she does say so herself. Hair, perfect, makeup, flawless and her lips as luscious as ever thanks to her new lip plumping applicator. She pouts them out to see how wonderfully amazing they look and smirks at her reflection.

"You just love yourself don't you?" Camila comments with a giggle as she walks back into the bedroom. Lauren chuckles and shrugs her shoulders.

"What's not to love?" She counters getting an eye roll from the brunette who takes up the spot beside her in front of the mirror.

"Hey can I use that new lip plumper you bought?" Camila asks her friend as Lauren moves away from the vanity and towards her closet.

"Yeah, it's in my bag." She points towards her purse right in front of Camila on the table and the brunette nods, opening the bag up wide to find said product. "Thank God Normani is having a party this weekend, I seriously need to let loose."

"You just want to get Dinah drunk so you can grope her." Camila notes, getting a muffled 'yeah that too' in response as she still rummages through Lauren's bag. The brunette's hands still, her eyes narrow and her eyebrows knit together. Slowly her hand pulls out something she was not at all expecting to find, not yet anyway... maybe not ever, not with Dinah in the picture anyway. "Hey... Lauren?" Her voice cracks as she pulls the object out fully, lifting it up to eye level before turning to look at Lauren, who is now facing her, her eyes on the thing between Camila's index finger and thumb. "What's...?"

"Oh." Lauren breathes out, her eyebrows are raised and her mouth opens and shuts a few times. "Well, I mean, just in case ya know?" She tells the brunette and walks over towards her taking the condom from between her fingers and shoving it back into her bag, zipping shut the change area so that the mistake of being found again doesn't happen.

"You guys are having sex?" Camila asks with complete surprise. Lauren sucks her lips in and bites down slightly, turns back around and heads over to the closet once more.

"Not yet." She replies slowly with a shrug of her shoulders. "But, I mean, we've been going out for a while now and, I just want to be prepared should the moment arise." She offers simply. "And we've talked about it a couple of times." It's really not a silly concept, it makes sense that Lauren and Dinah would consider taking the next step in their relationship. They've been dating since the beginning of the year and it's almost the end of the school year. She glances over her shoulder to see Camila standing very still and staring at her. "Stop looking at me like that." She says with a small chuckle, the kind one makes when they are feeling awkward.

"Sorry, it's just..." Camila finally breaks out of her stupor, shakes her head from side to side and offers a forced smile. Lauren stares at her in confusion.

"You just what Camz?" She tilts her head to the side with curiosity but Camila just laughs at herself and smiles even wider.

"Nothing." The brunette shakes her head. "Come on, we don't want to be so late, only fashionably." She winks and moves from the vanity to grab her own purse from Lauren's bed.

Once they enter the party Camila wanders off and away from the couple, not one to be a third wheel and all. And there's something about finding that condom in Lauren's purse that makes her legs move even quicker through the party and away from her best friend and her girlfriend. Lauren can't help but wish Camila hadn't found that in her bag, she feels... guilty? But she tries to put that to the back of her mind and smiles over at her girlfriend who moves closer against the side of her body.

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