Chapter 8

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You will really like this chapter, so I'm going to end with this one for tonight. Unless you can convince me to keep going lol

Camila and Lauren are sitting on the steps of the Cabello's porch sucking popsicles and watching the neighbor kids playing kickball in the street. Lauren has her legs stretched out in front of her, ankles crossed over each other and leaning back on one hand, holding her cherry Popsicle in the other. She tilts her head to the side in thought not really paying much attention to the kid clad street.

The brunette, sitting a few feet away from her friend has her elbows propped up on her knees leaning forward with a smile on her lips and her grape popsicle twirling around between her fingers. She giggles when the blonde boy from two doors down trips over the curb and falls onto one of the girls sitting there. When she doesn't hear Lauren chuckle at the boys obvious clumsiness and possible pain and embarrassment she side eyes the girl beside her.

Lauren's lips are a little pouty after she removes the cherry treat from her mouth and tastes the sugary goodness around her tongue. The way her head is tilted to the side and kind of resting on her own shoulder tells the brunette that her friend is most likely in her own head and thinking which is never a good sign. The sigh that escapes her lips is just the confirmation Camila needs to know her assumption is correct and that her best friend is indeed deep in thought.

"What is it?" She asks, breaking the silence that had a while ago taken them over and she brings her hand up to lift her sunglasses from her eyes, resting them on top of her head.

"Nothing." Lauren says quietly, picking her head up from her shoulder and brings her popsicle back to her lips. Camila watches her carefully for a few moments before she shrugs her shoulders and turns her attention back to the kids in the street. But of course, just as she expected, Lauren lets out another deep sigh.

"Tell me or I'll tell your mom that you use her $75 hand lotion to jerk off." Camila tells her friend in a hilariously manipulating kind of way. Lauren's eyebrow quirks and she snaps her head in Camila's direction.

"How do you know that?" She asks in complete surprise, not even about to deny it. Camila chuckles, shakes her head from side to side and brings her sunglasses back down to cover her eyes.

"Oh please." Lauren can't see it but she rolls her eyes. "First of all, whenever we watch anything that shows a boob or some naked girl you excuse yourself to the bathroom." She looks back at Lauren. "And just so you know, I know what you're doing in there so don't even try to think of a lame ass lie." Lauren's head jerks back in mild confusion and is finding herself impressed. "Second of all, when you come back you always smell like coconuts and I know for a fact that you do not own anything that has that scent." She finishes with a nod of her head and turns back towards the street. Lauren's mouth opens and shuts, trying to think of rebuttal but after receiving a pointed look from her brunette companion she simply shakes her head bewildered.

"It just feels so good." Lauren moans out at the thought of that hand lotion making Camila giggle and lean over into the pillar on the steps feigning disgust.

"Ew, please I'm eating here." She motions to her popsicle that is nearly done and gets a chuckle from the dark haired girl. "So come on, tell me what senseless thing you did, once again, with Dinah and let me help you." With a sigh Lauren pulls her knees up to her chest and leans her cheek upon them facing the brunette.

"Have you ever faked it?" Lauren inquires her voice lower and not as confident as it normally is. Camila lifts her sunglasses once more and gives her friend a quizzical stare.

"I don't get it." Camila deadpans. With a groan of embarrassment Lauren rolls her eyes at herself.

"You know," Her hands motion in front of her as though hoping Camila will understand through made up sign language. "Orgasms?" She finally lets out slowly and watches as understanding colors Camila's features. The brunette half smirks, her nose scrunches and an eyebrow rises as a tiny giggle comes pouring out much to Lauren's displeasure.

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