Chapter 13

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Wowza, it's been a while! Sorry haha. If there's any mistakes please comment and let me know. I plan on doing one more chapter tonight then I'm gonna go to bed. It's 10 past midnight here. 

Lauren sits in the library, pen in hand chewing idly on the pen cap with her chin resting in her palm. She's in a daze and has been in one all morning. A call from Mrs. Cabello this morning left in her in a state of slight concern, the woman had called to tell her that Camila did not need a ride to school this morning because she isn't feeling good.

It could be true but something in her gut tells her that the brunette is not home in bed fighting off a cough or a fever. Her eyes wander off to the book shelf that Dinah had gone off to and she notices her girlfriend talking it up with Austin Mahone. Her nose scrunches in distaste and her eyebrows knit together when Dinah giggles at something that she can only assume was probably not that funny if it was even remotely humorous.

She lets out a sigh wondering if her girlfriend is flirting with the boy. They seem to be doing fine in their relationship, take away Lauren's obvious indiscretions as of late, but other than that Dinah's been the perfect doting girlfriend. Her feelings for Dinah, though they haven't changed much, seem to not be in the same realm as the ones she has suddenly realized she has for Camila.

The idea of not being with Dinah anymore kind of makes her stomach do flip flops and she sort of wants to throw up at the whole thought of it. And worst of all, if the softball captain were to ever find out about the intimate night Lauren had shared with her best friend, well, she doesn't even want to think about the consequences. She really likes Dinah, a whole lot and she doesn't want to hurt her. She's beautiful, funny, adores Lauren and she is like really good in bed, not that Lauren has anyone else to compare her to, but she's good just the same.

Dinah glances over in her direction, grins and shyly ducks her head and waves with her fingers at her. Lauren smiles, nods and turns her attention back to her open notebook that is relatively blank except for her name in the margin. Twisting her lips she lets out a huff, drops her pen to her book and reaches over into her bag pulling out her cell phone.

She's already sent a few texts Camila's way but has yet to receive a response from her. So, to play it safe she sends another one, just in case the brunette happened to not get them. Staring at the screen she tries to think of something to write but is coming up short. There are only so many ways one can apologize and for someone like Lauren, even just saying the words themselves is hard to do and only uses them when in dire need.

Camila as well as herself made a promise that nothing would ruin them, or change them, or come between them but something obviously has. So Lauren tried to kiss her, so fucking what? That should not be a reason to ignore someone, in fact, Lauren thinks to herself, that should make someone want to be around said person.

"Why do you look so serious?" A low yet soft voice breathes into her ear and before she can turn to look at Dinah, the blonde leans in to press a quick kiss to her cheek. The chair beside her pulls out and soon her girlfriend is sitting beside her and placing her hand on Lauren's thigh.

"Oh, umm, no reason just trying to figure out this paper for English." She lies, picking her pen back up and shifting in her seat causing Dinah's hand to slide off of her leg. The blonde accepts the answer and pulls out her own books, placing the one she had gone to the shelf for next to her open notebook. "So," Lauren looks up and across the room where Mahone is now talking to that weird girl Becky G. "What are you and dorito boy like bff's now?" She quirks an eyebrow and turns towards the blonde who chuckles and shakes her head.

"As if." Dinah replies simply, rifling through the pages of her library book. "He has a crush on Becky." She tells her girlfriend with disapproval in her tone and she looks up at the boy in question and she shrugs. "He's been asking me for advice or whatever." She rolls her eyes and brings her attention back to her school work but spares a quick glance in Lauren's direction. "Why?" Lauren shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders, bringing her gaze back to the blonde beside her.

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