Chapter 10

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Small update before I go to work ;D 

She feels those eyes on her back. Those dark green eyes that are usually able to see so deep into her that she'd never even thought of telling a lie to them because she knows she'd be found out on the spot. But then again, she'd never had to lie to them before.

"This can't happen again." Her voice is so small and almost not even there, but it is and she can feel the screwed up expression coming to Lauren's face.

There's more silence, obviously Lauren wasn't aware that Camila had woken up nor did she imagine these would be the first words spoken to her since. The brunette turns over onto her side, carefully managing to keep herself covered holding the blanket to her chest while also maintaining a distance between their bodies. No touching and all that. She meets those eyes and they look confused, betrayed and lost.

"This can't happen again Lauren." She repeats herself, adding on the other girls name to emphasize her point. Lauren's eyebrows knit together, letting the words travel into her ear, around her mind and dip into places she never thought they could. "I think we both think... thought," She corrects herself. "That we could do this and it would be okay."


"We didn't touch, I know... and I know those are the rules and we followed them but..." Before she says something she may regret or worse, actually mean, she stops herself. Her head shakes from side to side and she chuckles at something that is not at all funny. "Can you honestly tell me that if you found out Dinah was doing this with her best friend that you'd be okay with it?" The question is so innocent, the way it is spoken and Lauren wants to just scream and tell Camila that she doesn't care because what they did, what they're doing isn't wrong. That they aren't hooking up with each other so it's not a big deal. "I mean, if she found out I would feel horrible because she'd be upset and then you'd be upset but at least you'd have each other. I'd be on the side line as the chick who like, ruined your relationship." She continues to explain herself, all the while Lauren lies there staring back at her. "Besides," She shrugs and rolls her eyes. "All this shit is, is us getting off. It's not like there's... feelings or anything going on. Because if you felt..." Lauren finally finds her voice and shifts away from the brunette jerking her head back and eyeing her defensively.

"Nothing, I felt nothing." Her words leave her mouth so quick it sounds like a copout, but only to her ears and when she averts her eyes she misses the fallen look on the brunette's face. "You're right... I mean I guess it's kind of fucked up of me really, always thinking with my dick." She chuckles, trying to lighten the mood and she sits up from the bed, her eyes trying desperately to find her clothes when she remembers they are in the bathroom still. "It's not like we have feelings for each other. I'm with Dinah and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize my relationship with her." She can sense the pout on the brunette's lips and she turns around to offer her a kind smile. "Or my friendship with you Camz." Camila nods in appreciation but the motion is more out of obligation than anything else.

"Nothing will ever ruin our friendship Lauren." Camila assures her in a meek voice making Lauren smile wider.

Camila can't help that all she thinks about the next day is what happened between her and Lauren. In fact, she masturbated to the images this morning in the shower. She wonders throughout the school day if it's going to happen again, she wants it to but she can't help but wonder if it's considered cheating. Was it cheating when she and Lauren got off on watching each other at Normani's party? Was it cheating that time Lauren and she nearly fucked on her bed and then Lauren went to jerk off in the bathroom? Was yesterday cheating?

To her it really doesn't apply. She's not in a relationship. She has no one to answer to except herself and even she can't give herself the answers. Her, Lauren and Dinah sat at lunch together at school earlier and she couldn't even make eye contact with her friend because she was afraid she'd see everything. That she'd see that Lauren jerked off not only in front of Camila, but that she had came all over her chest. That she'd know Camila fingered herself in front of her best friend and came because she knew Lauren was coming. That she'd see and know that Camila meant it when she told Lauren she wanted her to fuck her.

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