Chapter 5

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Warning, next chapter will have some Laurinah smut in it...

Camila walks into the Jauregui house as she would any other day but unlike any other day she is greeted by the sight of Dinah straddling Lauren on the sofa in the living room. Dinah sees her right away, well and heard her as well when she burst through the door, and she quickly pulls away from Lauren trying to hide her blush of being caught in an intimate position. Lauren's hand immediately slips out from underneath her top and straightens it up for her.

"Uh, sorry." Camila mutters, bringing her hand up to cover her eyes and stumbling backwards into the wall.

Dinah sits back a little on Lauren's lap, running her thumb along her bottom lip and looks back at Lauren. She sighs at the interruption, wishing Camila had arrived about ten minutes later than she actually had.

"It's okay, I should be getting home anyway." Dinah smiles a smile that seems a bit forced but is still just as sweet. She swings her leg from over the girl beneath her, straightens her apparel out and stands up. "Call me later?" Lauren nods and leans forward and up a bit as the brunette leans down for a chaste kiss on the lips. She walks around the couch stopping just before reaching Camila to bend down and pick up her duffle bag and then makes her way for the door. "I'll see you tomorrow C." She nods her head towards the brunette who finally relaxes her shoulders and lets her hand fully come down from her eyes.

"See ya Dinah." Camila waves goodbye and watches the other girl walk out the door she had just barged through. She turns her attention back to her friend still sitting on the couch but now facing her, leaning an arm over the back of the couch and she smirks. "Well, well, well." She walks with some bounce in her step over towards the couch and grins wildly at her friend before taking the spot beside her. "Finally cracked the code to the Jane treasure chest have we?" Lauren sends her a warning glare before smiling and nodding once. "Under or over?"

"Over, but still it's an improvement." Lauren informs her friend. "If someone hadn't run in here like a maniac I'm sure I could have coerced her into at least letting me slip my hand under her bra, but..."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Camila bites her lip and lowers her head.

"Well obviously it was for a very good reason, I'm sure." The brunette nods but keeps her eyes down. "What's up Camz?" Lauren asks shifting in her seat and bringing her hand down to adjust herself, feeling her pants just a little tight at the moment but knows that in a few minutes she'll be fine.

"Okay so I was out with Charlie last night and we..." Camila jumps right into it, snapping her head up to look at Lauren.

"Charlie?" Lauren stops moving and jerks her head back

"Puth." Camila replies quickly and then after a few moments of silence she sighs and offers, "eyebrow boy." Lauren's eyes widen as recollection settles in.

"Oh right, right." She nods. "Wait, were you like on a date?"

"I wouldn't really call it a date." The brunette says softly, bringing her hand up to play with one of the pillows on the couch.

"What happened with Austin? I thought you were seeing him." Lauren questions in confusion and Camila snorts out in laughter shaking her head from side to side.

"No, we were just hooking up... sort of." She explains vaguely.


"So like I was saying, I was with Charlie last night..." Camila begins her story again.

"Right, eyebrow boy." Lauren interrupts just to clarify that she is listening.

"And we slipped into the backseat of his mother's car and he was under my shirt and I was about to go under his shirt but then I remembered he has no boobs." She points out just in case Lauren may have not been privy to this bit of information. "So then I was like, hmmm, what am I supposed to do now? So then I thought about, you know..."

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