Chapter 17

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You guys are definitely going to love this chapter. It's everything you've been waiting for! ;D If there are any mistakes please comment and let me know :)

Lauren sits on the edge of her bed, her room is dark and the only light is that of the moon shining in. Her night light is lying on the side table but she's too exhausted to plug it in. She cried the whole way home and she's still shedding some tears and she's not really all that surprised the reason as to why. The only girl that she's ever been with, where sex is involved, told her she had sex with someone else. It's a shock, yes, but it's nothing she can't handle.

It's soon, but she figures she can't expect Dinah to pine over her forever. But that's not what gets her, it's not what's eating her up inside and making her stomach twist and turn. As the pieces slowly form in her brain and her heart there's a tapping noise coming from her window that catches her attention. Her eyebrows scrunch together and she tilts her head as she pushes herself up from her bed to investigate.

When she glances down to the grass of her front yard she finds Camila standing there tossing pebbles up at her window. She smirks, even through the tears and she opens her window leaning out to greet her night time visitor.

"Camz, what are you doing here?" She whispers down to the brunette. Camila drops her remaining ammo to the ground and waves Lauren to meet her outside. Lauren holds up one finger telling her friend to give her a moment and she'll be right down.

Within minutes Lauren is opening her front door to find Camila standing on her front porch, her hands in her back pockets and her shoe scuffing against the wood of the top step. Camila offers her a soft, kind smile and she nods at the gesture, accepting it as some sort of apology for what happened earlier at the party.

"It's late." Lauren comments and wraps her arms over her chest to ward off the nonexistent chill in the air. Camila nods, looks off to the side and leans up against the banister of the steps. "Do... you wanna come in?" She offers but Camila bites her lower lip, dips her head till her chin rests to her chest and shakes her head. Lauren twists her lips, glances around her yard trying to figure out what exactly Camila is here for. "Are you still not talking to me? Because, this is going to be a weird conversation if that's the case." Lauren sighs in frustration but tries to maintain some calmness. Camila swallows visibly and pushes away from the banister and walks up to Lauren, stopping just in front of her. She reaches out and grabs at her hands, tugging them away from her chest and holding them between both of their bodies.

"I know it was break up sex." Camila quietly tells her, her eyes downcast and her breathing slightly uneasy. "You don't owe me any explanations Lauren." She shakes her head, finally looking up to meet Lauren's green eyes. "I'm not going to say it didn't hurt... doesn't hurt... but," Her shoulders shrug and she looks up for a moment gathering her thoughts. "You're not ready for this, any of this, especially after the bomb Dinah dropped and..." Lauren cuts her off immediately.

"This isn't about Dinah." She blurts out catching Camila off guard. "I mean, it is... but not in the way you think." The brunette tilts her head, her interest obviously peaked and Lauren takes a deep breath ready to reveal. "I don't think you're trash Camz." She lets out and Camila mouths 'oh' understanding her friend's comment. "I think you're kind of amazing actually." She smirks and looks away bashfully but when she goes to continue to speak she is hushed by the brunette.

"I'm not... I'm not going to wait around forever Lauren." Camila tells her flat out. "I know you feel it but it's like you're afraid of something and I don't know what it is." She bites her lower lip as she stares at Lauren, as though the answers are going to come to her, but they don't.

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