A New Dawn

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I finished my breakfast and wandered around the mansion, enjoying the newfound energy that made everything seem brighter. As I explored, I noticed the activity picking up in the dining area. Staff members were busy bringing out dining table utensils, glasses, and round plates. They even set up additional chairs and another table.

Curious, I walked over to get a closer look. Angelo was among those overseeing the preparations, and he caught sight of me. He looked momentarily taken aback when he saw the scars on my legs and arms. His eyes lingered for a second before he cleared his throat, visibly trying to compose himself.

"Good morning, Lyra," he said, attempting a friendly smile. "I see you're up early."

I smiled back, though I could sense the awkwardness in his demeanor. "Good morning, Angelo. What's going on? Why are they setting up all these extra tables?"

He glanced around, making sure no one else was within earshot. "One of Deon's allies is coming over for lunch. It's a big deal, so they're making sure everything is perfect."

I nodded, trying to process the information. "I see. I didn't realize there would be such a big event today."

Angelo's gaze shifted back to me, his expression thoughtful. "Yes, it's an important occasion. I'm sure Deon will fill you in on the details. For now, enjoy your morning. The staff will make sure everything is taken care of."

I thanked him and watched as he went back to supervising the preparations. The sense of activity and purpose in the mansion made me feel a little more involved in this new world I was slowly becoming a part of.

As the staff continued their work, I took the opportunity to explore more of the mansion, curious about what else it might hold. Each room seemed to tell its own story, and I found myself drawn to the intricate details and the elegance that surrounded me. For the first time in a long while, I felt a sense of belonging-a feeling I had longed for but never truly known.

The morning passed quickly, and as noon approached, I could sense the anticipation building for the upcoming lunch. I hoped that the meeting with Deon's ally would be smooth and that I would get a better understanding of my place in this new life.

With a final glance at the bustling dining area, I returned to my room to freshen up and prepare for the day ahead. The sense of optimism and readiness I felt was new and invigorating, and I was determined to make the most of it.

As I was finishing up in my room, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find Harper standing there with an air of purpose. Without a word, she walked in and headed straight for the wardrobe. She began sorting through the clothes, selecting a few dresses with a focused expression.

I watched her, puzzled. "Does Deon want me to attend the important lunch?" I asked, realizing this was the first I had heard about it.

Harper hesitated, then replied, "Uh... probably, but just in case, yeah." She held up a short, tight dress and handed it to me. "I need to make you look really perfect because this is important."

I took the dress from her, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. I wasn't used to being the center of attention, especially not in such elaborate attire. Harper, on the other hand, was clearly in her element as she began the transformation process.

She directed me to put on the dress and some heels. As I struggled a bit with the unfamiliar footwear, Harper expertly curled my blue hair and applied makeup with a practiced hand. The feel of the cosmetics and the scent of perfume were foreign to me, and I felt a bit out of my element.

Finally, Harper added a pair of earrings and stepped back with a satisfied grin. "Perfect!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. I looked at my reflection, feeling like a stranger in my own skin. It was a stark contrast to the casual, practical attire I was used to.

Just then, I heard a flurry of voices and footsteps coming from downstairs. It was clear that the guests were arriving-not Deon or his men, but presumably the people Harper had mentioned. My heart raced a little with anticipation and anxiety.

Harper quickly went over a few rules with me. "The most important thing is to stay quiet unless someone speaks to you. If someone asks you a question, answer politely. I've given you some example sentences to use so they won't suspect you're from the lab. Remember to keep it simple and polite."

I nodded, taking in the instructions and the sample sentences she provided. It felt like a lot to remember, but I was determined to follow her advice and blend in.

As I prepared to head downstairs, I took a deep breath, hoping that the nervous energy I felt would be tempered by my newfound confidence. Today was a new chapter, and I was determined to face it with grace and poise.

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