The Battle Begins

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Deon's pov

The moment Lyra sped out of the room and confronted me, I knew I'd lost control of the situation. She wasn't the same girl I'd taken in weeks ago-scared, confused, unsure of her own power. Now she stood before me, defiant, powerful, determined to join a fight she didn't fully understand.

But there was something else in her eyes-something that I couldn't ignore. Hurt. Disappointment. Maybe even anger at me for holding her back.

I had to admit, part of me was impressed. Lyra was strong, stronger than I had ever anticipated. But this wasn't the kind of fight she was ready for. Not yet.

As I stood there, staring down at her, I knew I had no choice. She wasn't going to back down. And I couldn't risk pushing her away. Not now. Not when every instinct told me this was a dangerous gamble, one I wasn't sure I could afford.

"Fine," I'd said, the words feeling heavier than I intended. "But you follow my orders."

That moment had set the course. Now, hours later, we were on the move, and the weight of what was coming pressed down on me like a lead cloak. We had gathered in the loading bay, my men gearing up for the assault, each of them grim-faced and ready for battle. Vincent barked out orders, his usual calm demeanor hardened into something colder, sharper.

Lyra stood nearby, watching everything, her expression unreadable. Harper hovered around her, unsure of whether to intervene or leave her alone. Angelo was loading the vehicles, and Marco was doing a final weapons check. Everyone knew what was at stake-this wasn't just about revenge anymore. The Vico family was coming after our entire operation, and they weren't going to stop until either they were wiped out, or we were.

As I watched Lyra out of the corner of my eye, I couldn't shake the tension building in my chest. She was a wild card. Even though she promised to follow orders, I knew her well enough to know that her impulsiveness was still a risk. The last thing I needed was her going rogue in the middle of a firefight. But then again, her power could turn the tide in our favor. If she kept her head straight.

I turned to Vincent, signaling that it was time. He nodded, and within minutes, we were all packed into the convoy, ready to move out. The engines roared to life, a steady hum of anticipation building in the air.

As we sped down the highway, I leaned back in my seat, my mind racing. The Vicos were smart, methodical. They wouldn't attack outright-they'd pick off our allies first, isolate us, weaken us. This was their style-make it personal, make it hurt. I had crossed them weeks ago, and now they were coming for blood.

But what gnawed at me wasn't the Vicos themselves. It was Lyra. The way she stood up to me earlier, her determination-it reminded me too much of myself. She was right, in her own way. She wasn't weak. But she wasn't invincible either, no matter how much she thought she was.

"Something on your mind?" Harper's voice broke through my thoughts.

I glanced over at her, sitting across from me in the vehicle. Her brow was furrowed, concern etched into her features. She'd been on edge ever since Lyra phased through her earlier. I couldn't blame her.

"Just thinking," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. "This isn't going to be a clean fight."

Harper glanced out the window, watching the dark streets pass by. "It never is."

She was right. We were heading into chaos, and there was no telling how it would end. But one thing was certain-I couldn't afford any distractions. Not now.

I looked over at Lyra, who was sitting in the seat beside Harper, staring out the window. Her fingers were drumming against her leg, a nervous habit I'd seen her develop when she was anxious. I wondered what was going through her mind. Was she thinking about the lab? About her powers? About me?

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