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Deons pov

I couldn't shake the image of Lyra from my mind as I made my way back inside the mansion. The way she had collided with me-her body trembling slightly from the speed, her face flushed, her blue hair falling across her eyes. It was hard to ignore the way my arm had instinctively wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. She had looked up at me, wide-eyed, and for a second, I had forgotten where we were, who we were.

I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts. I needed to focus.

Lyra wasn't just some woman under my protection; she was something more. Someone more. But that didn't change the reality of who I was, what kind of life I lived, and what I was responsible for. Getting distracted, especially by her, wasn't an option. It couldn't be.

I reached my office and closed the door behind me, needing the space to think. The Vico family still weighed heavily on my mind, especially after what had happened with Alessandra. I didn't regret what I'd done to her. She needed to be put in her place. Her reckless obsession with me, her hatred toward Lyra, was unacceptable. But even though I had taken action, I knew it wouldn't be the last I'd hear from her or her family. Mr. Vico would be careful, but I had seen the fear in his eyes. Fear like that could turn into something dangerous if left unchecked.

I poured myself a drink and stared out the large windows of my office, watching the city skyline in the distance. The night air felt heavy, almost suffocating. My mind kept drifting back to Lyra, replaying the moment in the garden over and over again. Her speed was incredible, something I'd never seen before, and the way she looked at me afterward-vulnerable, unsure, but also full of something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

She wasn't like anyone I'd ever met. She was strong, but fragile. Innocent in some ways, but haunted by something dark. The lab, whatever had been done to her there, had left scars that I couldn't begin to understand. And yet, she was surviving. Thriving, even, in her own way.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. It was Harper.

She stepped inside quietly, her face serious. "She's doing better, Deon. After everything... she's starting to come out of her shell. But Alessandra's attack really rattled her."

I nodded, rubbing a hand over my jaw. "I know. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"She's... different, you know?" Harper continued. "Lyra's not just some girl. You can't treat her like one of your other assets. She needs more."

I turned to face her, raising an eyebrow. "I'm aware of that, Harper. Believe me."

Harper gave me a small nod, but there was something unsaid in her expression, something she didn't want to push further. "I know you are. But just... be careful with her. She's special."

With that, Harper left, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. I downed the rest of my drink and sat down at my desk, running a hand through my hair.

Special. That was the understatement of the century.

Before I could sink too deep into that thought, there was another knock. This time, it was Vincent. He stepped in, looking a little out of breath, which instantly put me on alert. Vincent was never out of breath unless something serious had gone down.

"What's going on, Vincent?" I asked, sitting up straighter in my chair.

Vincent ran a hand through his hair, closing the door behind him. "Deon, we've uncovered something about Lyra. It's... big."

My eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

He walked over to my desk, placing a file down in front of me. "There's a scientist. One of the key people from the lab. His name is Dr. Reinhardt."

The name didn't ring any immediate bells, but the way Vincent said it made me pay attention.

"He was the one who worked most closely with Lyra. From what we've gathered, he manipulated her from a young age-got her to call him 'Papa.'" Vincent's expression darkened. "He convinced her that he was her father."

I leaned back in my chair, feeling a surge of anger I hadn't expected. "That sick bastard..."

"It gets worse," Vincent continued. "Dr. Reinhardt wasn't just any scientist. He's one of the lead researchers in genetic manipulation. He was obsessed with Lyra's abilities. And now we've discovered what their next 'upgrade' for her was supposed to be."

I straightened, my pulse quickening. "What upgrade?"

Vincent pointed at the file. "They were working on enhancing her speed to the point where, if she hit the right velocity at the exact moment, she could open portals. Not just phasing through walls or people, but creating actual gateways-like tears in space."

I stared at him, processing what he was saying. Portals. The ability to not just run through solid matter but to manipulate space itself.

"And it's not just that," Vincent added, his voice low. "She can already phase through walls and people. You've seen that. But if they'd had more time, she'd have been able to run up buildings, defy gravity. She could've become something... unstoppable."

I stood, pacing to the window. "And Reinhardt-this 'Papa'-what's his endgame? Is he still looking for her?"

Vincent nodded. "From what we can tell, yes. He's obsessed with her. He didn't see her as a person, Deon. To him, she was his greatest creation. And now that she's out of the lab, he's going to want her back. Badly."

I clenched my fists, the thought of that man ever getting close to Lyra again making my blood boil.

"I won't let that happen," I said coldly. "If Reinhardt comes for her, he'll regret it."

Vincent gave a curt nod. "I figured you'd say that. But we need to be ready. This guy isn't just some regular scientist. He's dangerous. And he'll use every resource he has to get her back."

I looked down at the file again, my mind racing. Lyra was more powerful than I'd realized. And more vulnerable, too. She needed protection, but more than that-she needed to know the truth about what had been done to her.

"We'll be ready," I finally said, my voice hard. "And if Reinhardt comes for her, I'll personally make sure he never touches her again."

Vincent nodded and turned to leave, but I stopped him.

"Vincent," I said, my voice low. "Keep this quiet for now. I don't want Lyra to know until we have a solid plan."

He gave me a look of understanding. "Got it. I'll keep digging. We'll find him."

As he left, I sat back down, my mind still reeling from everything I had just learned. Lyra was more than special-she was extraordinary. But with that power came danger.

And I'd be damned if I let anyone-especially Reinhardt-take her away from me.

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