#24 The Matchmakers

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"I suspected that once the two Fives got excited about something, there would be no turning back." Said Lila.

She and Luther stood in the doorway of Five's workroom, watching as Five passionately explained his theories to Sloane. She seemed pretty intrigued by it all as well, and seemed to have a lot to say about it.

"But you were right, there really is something hot about this," Luther uttered as he looked at his wife.

"Yeah," Lila agreed, watching Five.

Then Luther looked at her, "and aside from that, it's okay between you two again?"

"I guess so, you know, okay is a bit fleeting in our situation. What about Diego... how's he doing?"

"You two haven't talked?"

"Not counting that discussion a few days ago, no..."


A few days ago:

Lila was leaving the house in the evening, after a full day with her children. It was around the time Five was gone and Lila didn't know where he was.

"Are you going to avoid me forever?" Diego asked, showing up just as she was about to leave.

Lila sighed, "Yeah, maybe I will."

"Don't you feel like we should finally talk? After what happened, all you said was that you knew everything I wanted to tell you and that it would be better for both of us if we didn't have this discussion and then you disappeared right after."

"And it's still on."

Diego glared at her and then spoke, "I heard you two broke up. It was quicker than I expected." He sounded almost pleased.

Lila looked resigned, "Diego, I'm really tired. I don't know if you're so eager for me to be angry, sad, or both. But you should know one thing..."


"That it won't make you feel better anyway. That it won't even change anything. Except the way I see you. Because the only thing you've really accomplished so far is making me marvel at how mean you can be when you think everything is against you." Diego started to say something, but Lila held up her hand and continued, "Yeah, I know how you want to rehash all the horrible things I've done... but save your breath, I've heard it all at least ten times before. I'm serious, Diego. You see everything in a terribly simplistic way... by not being together, you immediately think you've become an enemy to me. But I never wanted it that way. Naively, I thought that if we could somehow work things out peacefully, that at least for the sake of the good things in our past and for the sake of our children, we could at least be friends."

"Friends?" He chuckled at that. "But we were never friends."

"And maybe that's the problem, Diego. Have you ever liked me at all? Only as a person. Not just as a lover, a wife, or the mother of your children. I did like you as a person, but I like you less and less when you act like this. You can be a really good person, but you can be such an asshole. You're wasting your potential by constantly comparing yourself to someone and fighting your hero complex. When if you'd stop focusing on all the shit, you could be happy. Try thinking about that sometime instead of blaming everyone around you."

Not waiting for his reaction, she opened the door and left the house.



"I haven't spoken to him in a few days."

"Is he still mad that you're not cursing us along with him?"

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