I'm here.

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       ---Phear's POV---

I gaze down at her, her relaxed form submerged in the tub's warm waters. Her eyes are closed, her face serene, her breathing slow and steady.

My desire for her surges, a primal urge to claim her, to make her mine. I want nothing more than to take her, taste her, feel her beneath me.

But I hold back, my self-control honed from centuries of waiting, of watching. She's not ready, not yet.

I see the fragility beneath her surface, the cracks in her armor. She's been hurt, damaged, and it will take time to heal.

I'll wait, I tell myself. I'll wait until she's strong enough, until she can handle the intensity of our bond.

My eyes roam over her face, drinking in the gentle curves, the softness of her skin. I long to touch her, to trace the contours of her lips, to feel the warmth of her breath.

But for now, I'll content myself with watching her, with ensuring her safety, her happiness.

I lean forward, my fingers brushing against her temple, gently stroking her hair. She stirs, her eyes fluttering open.

"Relax," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "I'm here."

Her gaze meets mine, and for a moment, we just look at each other, the connection between us crackling with tension.

Then, she smiles, a soft, trusting smile. And I know I'll do anything to keep that smile on her face, to keep her safe, to make her mine.

Her smile is like a ray of sunlight, illuminating the darkness within me. I feel my heart swell, my chest tighten.

I continue to stroke her hair, my fingers gentle, soothing. She closes her eyes again, her breathing slowing.

As I watch her, I realize that this is what I've been searching for. Not just power, not just control. But connection.

Connection with someone who understands me, who sees me for what I truly am.

And I think, perhaps, I've found that in her.

The thought sends a shiver down my spine. I've never felt this way before. Never allowed myself to feel this vulnerable.

But with her, I feel like I can be myself, without fear of judgment, without fear of rejection.

I lean back, my eyes never leaving hers, even as she sleeps. I'll watch over her, protect her.

Forever, if need be.

As the water begins to cool, I gently lift her out of the tub, wrapping her in a warm towel.

She stirs, her eyes fluttering open.

"Phear?" she whispers.

"I'm here," I reply, my voice low.

She smiles, snuggling into my chest.

And in that moment, I know I'll do anything to keep her by my side.

"Bed," I whisper, carrying her to the bedroom.

She nods, her eyes already drifting shut.

As I lay her down, she reaches for me, her hand grasping mine.

"Don't leave me," she whispers.

"I won't," I promise.

And I mean it.

I lie beside her, holding her hand, feeling her warmth seep into my skin. She drifts off to sleep, her chest rising and falling with each gentle breath.

I watch her, mesmerized by the peacefulness that surrounds her. My own eyes grow heavy, but I resist sleep, wanting to savor this moment.

As I gaze at her, I realize that my feelings for her go far beyond possession or control. I want to protect her, to keep her safe from harm.

But also, I want to know her. Truly know her. Understand what drives her, what frightens her, what brings her joy.

I gently brush a strand of hair from her face, my fingertips grazing her skin. She stirs, her eyes fluttering open.

"Phear?" she whispers.

"I'm here," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

She smiles, her eyes closing again.

As the night wears on, I remain vigilant, watching over her, listening to her soft breathing.

And when the first light of dawn creeps into the room, I know I've made a decision.

I'll do whatever it takes to keep her by my side. To protect her. To love her.

The thought sends a jolt through me. Love?

I've never loved before. Never allowed myself to be vulnerable.

But with her, everything is different.

As the sun rises, casting a golden glow over the room, I lean in, my lips brushing against her forehead.

"Mine," I whisper.

And I know, in that moment, that I'll never let her go.

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