aching hearts..

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Karma's pov

I stood before the two men, my eyes blazing with disappointment. "You both should be ashamed," I said, my voice stern. "Fighting over Venus like she's a prize to be won. Have you forgotten the delicate balance of her heart?"

Phear's black eyes flashed with defiance, but Isaac's golden gaze dropped, shamefaced.

"You're not thinking of her needs, only your own desires," I continued. "Phear, your possessiveness suffocates her. Isaac, your bond with an Angel complicates her life. Can't you see you're tearing her apart?"

Isaac's head snapped up, his expression contrite. "I never meant to hurt her, Karma."

Phear's jaw clenched. "I won't back down. She's mine."

My gaze turned icy. "Yours? Venus is not a possession, Phear. She's a soul with her own path. And Isaac, your bond may bring light, but it also brings danger."

The room fell silent, the weight of my words sinking in.

"You will both give Venus space, if that is what she requests" I ordered. "No more fighting, no more pressure. Let her find her own way."

Isaac nodded, determination etched on his face.

Phear's eyes narrowed, but he gave a curt nod.

I watched them, my heart heavy with concern. Could they truly put Venus's needs above their own? Only time would tell.

"Remember, I'll be watching," I warned. "Harm Venus, and you'll face my wrath."

With that, I dismissed them, sending them to their respective corners of the estate.

I sighed, my shoulders sagging.

Venus's journey was fraught with peril, and these two men were just the beginning.

I froze, my thoughts grinding to a halt as the question formed in my mind. "Isaac, if you just made the bond with the are you able to use that power so soon?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Isaac's gaze faltered, his eyes darting to the side before meeting mine. "I...I don't know," he admitted, his voice laced with concern.

Phear's head snapped up, interest sparking in his black eyes. "Yes, Isaac, explain," he said, his tone skeptical.

Isaac's jaw clenched. "I lost control. I don't know what happened. One moment I was arguing with Phear and the next...I was unleashing powers I've never even imagined."

my eyebrow raised.

Isaac nodded. "The Angel I bonded with. He's...different. And our connection is...unpredictable."

Phear's eyes narrowed. "You expect us to believe you just 'lost control'?"

Isaac's expression turned frustrated. "I'm telling you, it's the truth. I felt like I was no longer in control of my own actions. The power surged through me, and I couldn't contain it."

My mind raced with implications. If Isaac's bond was indeed unpredictable, it could signify a dangerous imbalance in his connection with this angel..

"This changes things," I said, my voice firm. "We need to investigate this bond, understand its true nature and the extent of that angels influence."

Phear's face darkened. "I'll uncover the truth."

Isaac's golden gaze flashed with sadness and shame “I don't want to harm anyone, especially Venus."

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