Run, little one, run.

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{Isaac’s POV}

The desperation in her eyes, does she honestly think I would ever leave her? She should know by now that I will stay by her side, even if I have to drag her ass out of hell itself.
She is my best friend, my family. I hate that she felt the need to turn to a demon to help her, why didn't she come to me? 
I sigh. I know the more I seek answers, the more questions I will be left with.

I walk down the driveway of her apartment building, the only sound is the soft crunch of the gravel under my feet and the hooting of the owl that perches in a nearby tree.

The street lights flicker, casting an eerie glow on the path below. The further I get from her apartment, the less the shadows seem to be reaching out and consuming the light around it..

{Venus’s POV}

I stand in the doorway, waving goodbye, watching Isaac leave.
I pull myself back into my apartment, locking the door behind me.
I feel his presence, he was here the whole time..

I know he stands behind me, but I don't turn around.
I stood frozen. The silence deafening after Isaac’s departure.
The darkness seemed to swirl around me, a living entity.


He turned me around, lifting my chin so I had no other choice than to look him in his eyes.
The green in his eyes gleamed in the dim light. Piercing my soul.  “You are afraid he will leave you..?”
He asks, his voice low and husky. I swallowed hard, my heart racing.
I begin to wonder how did Phear know?..but i remember our bond holds no secrets. He knows everything.. So why ask?

I bet he could see the fear gnawing at my core. “I won’t lose him.” I whispered, trying to sound brave and sure.
Phear’s gaze never wavered.
“This path you are on will only hurt him, and that will hurt you.” His voice is dangerously low.
I try to pull away from him, but he holds me in place. A deathly grip on my shoulders.
“He won’t leave me.”
I hissed. His eyes narrowed. “I know he won’t.. You and I both know that you will be his undoing..”
His words sting. “I am saying this to warn you, Venus. Not to be an ass.” His eyes soften.
I glare up at him, trying to pull myself away once again. His grip falls from my shoulders to my wrists. Tight and unyielding.
Anger courses through my veins. Who or what am I angry at?  Me? For wanting to drag Isaac down with me? For getting myself  into this mess in the first place? Phear? For telling me what I already know to be true? Isaac? No.. Not Isaac. I could never be angry with Isaac..

“Let me go, Phear.”  I snapped, but he didn't waver. He stood firm, unyielding.
He held me captive in his grasp, his eyes burning with an unspoken promise. His eyes were narrow with anger..
“I won’t let you go, Venus.” He whispered, his lips grazing my ear. “Ever.”

I jerked my arm, trying to break free from Phear's grasp

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I jerked my arm, trying to break free from Phear's grasp.

But he held firm, his fingers wrapping tighter around my wrist.

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