Inner battles.

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I sat on the rooftop, city lights twinkling below.
Night air whispered secrets.
The stars shone like diamonds.

Indifferent to my turmoil.

Hours had passed since Reginald's demise.
Yet, the weight of my actions lingered, haunted.

My eyes stared into the void.
Reflecting on the darkness i’d unleashed.

My words echoed.
"Justice served."

But at what cost?
My soul?
My humanity?

I thought of my family.
Their smiles.
Their laughter.
Their memory.
How it was all taken away..
How it all started with him.

Fuel for my vengeance.

Reginald's face flashed.
Twisted in agony.
My hand, holding the knife.
Carving retribution.

A shiver ran down my spine.
Was this who I'd become?
A monster?
A vigilante?

The line blurred.
I rose, pacing the rooftop.

Torn between purpose and conscience.

Phear appeared beside me.

"Lost in thought?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Questioning everything?”

Phear's gaze followed mine to the city below.

"Your path is fraught with danger."
"And darkness."

I turned to him.
"Will I lose myself?"

Phear's expression softened.
"You're not alone." he hummed.
A gentle reminder.
I have allies in the shadows.

"Your heart still beats," Phear said.
"Your compassion remains."

"But the darkness..."
"It's a part of you now."

Phear's words hung in the air.

I gazed up at the stars.
Seeking guidance.
Or forgiveness.
Uncertain which.

The night whispered secrets of the battles ahead and the darkness within.

I remained on the rooftop, lost in turmoil.
Phear stayed beside me, silent.

The city lights twinkled below a stark contrast to the darkness within.

A shiver ran down my spine.
Guilt and satisfaction wrestled for dominance.
..Satisfaction winning..
It scared me.

How easily I'd embraced the darkness.
How much I loved the rush of power.
The thrill of vengeance.

Phear's presence was a comfort.
A reminder I wasn't alone in this descent, into the abyss.

His eyes watched me.
But no judgment.

"I'm scared, Phear," I whispered.
"Of this.. monstrous hunger inside..”

His hand brushed mine.
A gentle touch.

"You're still you, Venus," he said.
"Darkness can't consume unless you let it."
"What if it already has?" I asked.
“What if I already let it..?”

Phear's gaze locked onto mine.
"Then we'll navigate."

His words wrapped around me.
A shield against the shadows.
For a moment I felt safe.

But the darkness lingered.
Whispering its allure.
A siren's call.

I was torn between ight and the darkness's seduction.

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