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Isaac's POV

I stepped out into Venus's backyard, walking alongside Karma, her long black hair swinging with each step. The warm sunlight cast a gentle glow over the lush green grass and vibrant flowers, a serene contrast to the tension that still lingered inside.

Karma's eyes sparkled as she gazed up at me.

"Isaac, what's really going on with Venus and Phear?" she asked, her voice low and intuitive.

I hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.
"Just the usual drama," I replied, trying to downplay the intensity of their relationship.

Karma's knowing smile told me she saw right through my evasion.
"Venus can handle herself," she said, "but Phear's energy is volatile. I've been sensing it for weeks."

I nodded, sharing her concern.
"I know. But Venus needs him, Karma. And in her own way, she needs me too. She made that clear.."

Karma's gaze softened.
"You're right. She's always been drawn to extremes. But with you and Phear, she's found a balance – precarious, but balance nonetheless."
We walked in silence for a moment, the only sound the rustle of leaves beneath our feet.

"Keep an eye on her, Isaac," Karma said finally. "And on Phear. This isn't over yet."

I nodded, determination etched on my face. "I will. For Venus, always."

As we reached the edge of the yard, Karma turned to me, her eyes shining with a knowing glint.

"And for yourself, Isaac? What do you want?"
I paused, the question echoing within me.
What did I want?
The answer, like the future, remained uncertain.

I looked down at myself, my eyes tracing the lines of my worn jeans and faded T-shirt. For a moment, I felt uncertain, like the stability I'd found with Venus was precarious at best.

"Karma?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes?" she replied, her eyes locked on mine.

"Will you be here if something goes wrong again?" I asked, the words tumbling out before I could censor them.

Karma's expression softened, her features etched with compassion.
"Isaac, I'll always be here for you and Venus," she said, her voice steady. "You're not alone in this."

I nodded, feeling a small sense of relief wash over me. "But what if I'm not enough?" I pressed on, the doubt creeping in. "What if Phear's influence consumes her, and I lose her anyway?"

Karma's hand closed around my arm, her grip warm and reassuring.
"You're not just enough, Isaac – you're essential," she said. "Venus needs your balance, your love. And Phear... well, he needs to learn to respect boundaries."

I smiled wryly.
"Easier said than done."

Karma's smile matched mine.
"Maybe. But I'm here. We don't know each other that well, but I know Venus loves you, you are her best friend” she smiles “So I have your back, I have tricks up my sleeve. We'll navigate this together."

As I looked at Karma, I felt a surge of gratitude.
For Venus, for myself, and for the fragile balance we'd found.

"Thanks, Karma," I said, my voice sincere.
Karma's eyes sparkled.

"Anytime, Isaac. Now, let's get back inside before Venus sends out a search party.”

As we turned to head back inside, Karma's hand closed around my wrist, her fingers wrapping warmly around it.

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