bloody possessiveness and protectiveness

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Two days passed, and Isaac was once again lounging on my couch, laughing and chatting with me. Phear, who had been observing us with a mix of curiosity and wariness, suddenly tensed.

As Isaac shifted on the couch, his shirt rode up, revealing a glimpse of his stomach. Phear's gaze locked onto the exposed skin, his eyes narrowing. For a moment, he thought he was overreacting, but then he saw it – the unmistakable marking of an Angel's bond.

Phear's expression darkened. Isaac, my dear friend, had bound himself to an Angel.

Rage coursed through Phear's veins, fueled by possessiveness. He knew that if Isaac, my best friend was bound to an angel, now half an angel..he was a threat to the bond I have with Phear.

"How could you do this, Isaac?" Phear's voice was low, menacing.

Isaac's eyes met mine, he was confused

"Phear, calm down, what are you talking about?" Isaac began.

"Calm down?" Phear's laughter was cold, deadly. "You've tied yourself to an Angel. You have made yourself more of a threat than you were from the beginning."

Isaac's jaw set.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said firmly.

Phear's eyes flashed.
"You're threatening what's mine," he growled.

I intervened, placing a calming hand on Phear's arm.

"Phear, stop," I said. "Isaac's my friend-" He raised his hand, silencing me.

Phear's gaze lingered on Isaac, his anger boiling over.
"Leave," he growled.
Isaac stood firm.
"No," he said. "I won't leave her. I won't leave her here with you."

Phear's face twisted in a snarl.
"You're pushing your luck," he warned.
Isaac's eyes locked onto Phear.
"I'm not afraid of you," he said.

The air was electric with tension as Phear's fury simmered, waiting to erupt.

Phear's eyes turned jet black, his pupils expanding as his anger consumed him. Isaac's response was instantaneous – his eyes transformed into a piercing gold, shining like molten sunlight.

The room seemed to darken, as if the shadows themselves were drawn to Phear's escalating fury. Isaac's golden gaze never wavered, meeting Phear's blackness head-on.

I stepped between them, my hands raised in a calming gesture.

"Stop, both of you," I urged.

Phear's gaze flicked to me, his black eyes flashing with a warning.

"Venus, stay out of this," he growled.

Isaac's golden eyes narrowed.

"Venus, don't let him push you around," he countered.

The tension between them was palpable, a living, breathing entity that threatened to consume us all.

"Phear, Isaac, please," I begged.

Suddenly, Isaac's golden eyes flared brighter, illuminating the room.

"I won't back down," Isaac declared.

Phear's response was immediate – his black eyes seemed to suck the light out of the air, plunging us into darkness.

The room erupted into chaos.

Furniture shook, and the air vibrated with an otherworldly energy.

I stumbled, caught in the crossfire of their clashing powers.

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