Chapter 1 : Proposal

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Luke and Joss were constantly observing Zee for the last twenty minutes. He was practically staring at his wrist watch waiting for the last lecture to end. He had already packed his bag on cue to leave the room as soon as the professor ended. 

Joss elbowed Luke asking what the matter was and he shrugged in a I DON'T KNOW. 

They were waiting to ask Zee why he was so impatient today. But they didn't get a chance. 

The bell rang and Zee almost dashed out following his professor. He was running to the parking lot. Somehow Luke and Joss matched his steps and held him against his car. 

"Luke not at this time. I have to go. Tell the coach I'm sick today. I won't attend the practice. Na na ". Zee pleaded and this time Joss flickered his fingers on his forehead.

"Ouch. What was that for"? He was frowning, rubbing the red spot.

"Exactly my question dude. What is all the hurry for"? Joss inquired. 

"Ohh i forgot to tell you guys. Phi'Mew is coming. Phi'Tae told me about his flight. And I have to run to freshen up and to go pick him up. So would you please care to move away so that i may leave". Zee explained them and hoped they would understand. 

"Ohhhhh. Someone's Phi'Mew is cominggg. Joss. The prince needs to go to his KING of HEART. Oh myyyy". Luke was being overdramatic and Zee smacked their heads. Cursing them..

It was his fault that he could never stop chatting about his Phi'Mew all the time. He was surely whipped for his brother. Following his footsteps he was now in the Engineering department, taking lead. He was a football champion for his University just like his Phi. He loved music just like his Phi. He loved reading.. Well yes just like his Phi Mew. 

So Joss and Luke could never miss a chance to tease their bestie. They knew he adored him a lot. 


Phi'Tae was the eldest one. Married. Then Phi'Mew. Two years younger than him. And Zee. He was the youngest of the family. Five years younger than Mew. Most pampered. Most cherished. Especially when Tae got busy with his practical field, it was Mew who dedicated all his time to his precious Nong. Not that Tae didn't love him a lot. .

They were a happy family. Mom Dad Phi'Tae, Phi'Mew and then Zee living together in the most loving environment.

But then.. A storm shattered everything they had. The love they shared, their mom dad. 

It was seventeenth birthday of Mew. And he shocked his parents, in a hope that they will still love him no matter what, with the fact that he was Gay. 

And he regretted it. 

That was the day he faced the wrath and hatred of his parents who disowned him there and then. 

Only if it wasn't Tae to declare about his sexuality too. 

Their parents literally threw them out, but Zee couldn't be left behind. In a fear that he may be a disgrace to their Ego, they kicked all three of them. 

Tae,Mew and Zee had three different apartments to their name. With a handsome amount in their accounts as pocket money. 

Tae did everything in a day with the help of his friends, rented out two apartments and shifted in his apartment along with his nongs. 

He transferred their accounts so that his dad won't freeze them. He had to protect himself and his brothers and to secure their future.

It took days for Mew to get past the physical and mental abuse he had to suffer. Every slap and every kick reminded him of being a disgrace and a shame. He felt disgusting but it wasn't his fault. He was born this way and he couldn't do anything.

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