Chapter 18. Vacations

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They were able to get on time for lunch. Infact Gulf was so excited to visit the place. It was his first time here. And despite the fact that he wanted to spend all day with his wild Husband, he pulled him along with the other four to roam the place. 

The resort was well maintained and since the tourist season, it was full of people, admiring the beauty and that made the boys proud. Without introducing themself, they were interacting with different people for a know how and words about the place, and they were very happy to know that mostly people were happy with the services provided to them. 

To their amuse, there were some people who whined that they wanted the exclusive suites but they were already booked by the owners. 

They were laughing enjoying. Until they caught by Gulf who was calling them frantically holding a little baby in his arms. 

The child wasnt old more than three or four months and he was laying in the shade of one of the bushes.  He was crying and there was no trace of his parents or guardian.

They all went inside with the baby and announced if someone is the parent. But no one showed up. Gulf instantly asked them to get a feeder and milk powder for the baby and fed him to satisfy his hunger. All the while, they keep asking everyone if anyone knows the child, or anyone who lost their boy. Even they filed a complaint in the Police Station for a missing baby with their contact numbers. 

They had lunch with heavy heart and now it was already dinner time.  Being a child specialist, Gulf checked and was relieved that the baby was in good shape and health. 

They had no issue in taking care of the baby so Mew volunteered to spend the first night with the baby. Tae saw how he was interacting with the baby while they were out to buy the basic accessories for him. They looked for his name or any identification thing. But nothing. 

"Okay i have two names in my mind. Vote for the best. Jag or Nix"? Mew said rocking the baby in his arms putting him to sleep. They all thought for a while before opting for Jag. 

"Good. So baby Jag. You like your name. Huh"? He smiled as he saw the baby yawning.

"Time to sleep baby". He was softly rocking him, pacing in the room slowly. Humming him a song. 

"What are you thinking Zee"? Tae asked Zee who was looking at Mew fondly and noticed everyone is looking at him with same expressions.

He smiled over a memory.

"You know Zee. Mew was five when you came. He was the most happiest person. And you know he use to sit hours to hold you in his arms. Even Mom used to laugh at him. But he never got tired. 

You know one day Mom said you are her baby, and Mew cried for hours over the fact that you were not his baby. And she would always laugh at it. He would stay awake with you when you had exams. He would spare his share of your favorite cake. He would cook your favorite snacks. Even i wasnt allow to have a bit of it.  He would wait for you when you were late. He would save his pocket money for you, if you ever get short of money or if you want to hang out with friends.  He would buy everything for you with every little savings he had. He has raised you up to a fine man Zee. He would sing for you the same way to you like he is putting the baby to sleep. 

I still remember, i guess you would too, when he was guiding you how to ride a bicycle. And after a few attempts you insisted to drive on your own". He smiled.

"Yes Phi. I remember. I was what.. Ten. And he was constantly saying me not to drive fast. But i didnt listen to him". Zee laughed continuing to what Tae was telling. 

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