Chapter 19. Claim

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"Gulf am worried about Mew. He is so attached with Jagger". Tae was in deep thoughts standing in the window, when Gulf approached him with a glass of hot chocolate. 

"I know Love. But he wont listen to any of us". Gulf backhug him. He could relate what Tae was saying. Adoption was not an issue, as long as the child has no guardian or parents. But in this case. There was always a fear of losing the baby. And what if after a few years, when Jag would be so comfortable around Mew to think of him as his own father, and somebody comes to take him away. 

"It will cause him pain Gulf". Tae turned in his arms facing him. He was upset.

"I know Phi. But may be we are scared for nothing. May be no one comes to claim Jag". He just held on a thin thread of hope. 

"I wish Gulf. I wish. I cant see him in pain. He can be strong on the outside. But he such a softie at heart. And kids... Kids are his weakness. Like i told, he cried over the fact for days that Zee isnt his baby but a brother. And now Jag. He is taking as his own child". Tae sighed. 

"Come here Phi. Look. We cant see the future. We cant tell what the coming days are holding for us. But why dont we live the present for now. Let him have his share of happiness. Besides, no one forgets their child right. Whoever left the baby, means they dont want him or they can afford him. In either case, if anyone comes to get the child back, we can offer them good future. We dont know the reason. The baby doesnt looks that he comes from a very well off family. Either the parents forgot to use protection or they can afford. 

But the only thing that scares me, what if we had not found him? What if he was taken with some bad people. I dont know Phi. I was scared when i saw him there. Laying. Helpless. Hungry. 

I have seen the love in Phi'Mew's eyes. Am sure he will fight for his son. So lets live for now. Okay". Gulf patted his head who was leaning on his shoulder.

"You are right Gulf. May be am over reacting". He looked up with a smile.

"Well husband. Usually am right and you overact". Gulf replied cockily.

"Overconfident ehh. Lets see i really overact or not". Tae hovered him like a predator capturing him in his arms. 

"Phi. No. No. Phiii". Gulf was screaming but Tae covered his mouth with his hand. 

"Shushhh Kitten. We have a baby. And we surely dont want to awake him. Right". And then all the sounds were happily drunk by Tae in his mouth.


"Phi. The designing is completed. And it will take hardly one more day to finish the details. Meanwhile i have hired a team for Jagg's nursery. Zee's room will be decorated as Jagg's room. Here is the plan". Mew spread the sheet in front of three of them. He was surely comfortable with Jagg in harness. It was easy to commute. 

For few days it was bit weird for Mew to work holding Jagg. Everyone in his office was reacting differently. Some weird and some cooing. And not to mention that he laughed so hard when Zee told him that the ladies are heart broken to see Mew with a baby.

Tae loved the plan second by Gulf. Jagg had wrapped them around his little finger in just a span of a month. They were happily discussing when there was a knock on the door.

"Yes Lia". Tae asked his secretary.

"Sir someone said they came from resort. Regarding the report of a missing child. Asking to meet you". Lia informed and Tae looked at Mew who was looking pale. It felt like all blood drained from his body. He subconsciously held Jagg tight to his chest.

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