Chapter 11. Empty and Alone

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Empty and Alone

Mew opened his eyes to a white ceiling and he wasnt surprised. He looked out of the window and it was dark outside. Like his inside.

He could feel his head throbbing. His eyes swell and aching badly. But there was another feeling dominating every pain. Numbness. 

He was empty inside. His mind had stopped processing to whats happenening? What time is it? How long he was unconscious?

Does it matter though? 

The door opened with a faint sound and Thanitt came in. 

"You are awake"? He smiled before pushing the bell button for Gulf. He was in Ithipatts Hospital. 

"Need water"? He asked softly but Mew shook his head. 

"Juice"? And again a NO.

"Mew". Thanitt was about to say something when Gulf came almost running. 

"How you doing Phi? Any pain? Discomfort? Thirsty"? Gulf was asking him checking his vitals and he was just starring back. His eyes deprived emotions. 

Like he was a stranger. 

Gulf felt a pain in his heart. In his more than two years, with the family, it was the first time he got scared of his eyes. There was no warmth, no love. 

"I want to sleep. Give me some pain killer". Mew turned his back and closed his eyes, blinking a few times to push back any tear to slip, as if there was any left.


Next time he opened his eyes to a bright day outside. He never liked so much brightness. But this time, he was just looking outside the window, ignoring someone entering the room. 

"Phi'Mew. Here. Take this juice". Gulf sat beside him. Mew just looked at him and took a sip when he placed the straw near his lips. 

"One more Phi". Gulf said but he refused. He didnt push though. 

"You know. You will be discharhed today. Just need to rest and take meals. You have to take care of your forhead for a few days. Dont wet it. The wound will get infected". He was checking him professionally. And when he saw Mew was laying there not responding, eyes closed. But Gulf chould see he was restless. The eye balls were moving frantically behind those lids..

He knew Mew must be missing his brothers. But he was helpless. Tae wasnt listening to him or Zee even for once. 

That night when Gulf called the ambulance, Tae had locked a crying protesting Zee in his room. And then locked himself too. Gulf could listen to him crying too. But he had no time to confront or comfort them. And its been two days neither Tae visited nor he let Zee. 

He was thinking to take a day or two off to settle things at home. Thanitt was the first person whom Gulf approached. To take care of Mew in his absence. 

He was shocked too when he heard from Gulf. But he didnt hate Mew. He felt it odd too. But he knew it will take time for everyone to digest it. 


Gulf brought Mew home. Tae who was working on his laptop, looked at his brother being escorted by his Husband. Taking one step at a time to walk. His heart was yearning to hold him. To support him. And he pushed the laptop off his lap too, but then... 

He stormed out to his bedroom and slammed the door shut. 

Gulf looked at Mew apologetically, but there was no expression on his face. He let Gulf take him to his bedroom. Clean him and tuck him in the bed. Mew had just requested him not to wake him up, or disturb him. 

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